Wednesday, July 31, 2019

3G network based security threats Essay

The key threats for 3G networks in perspective of integration of networks are: Wireless LAN customer who does not have access to 3G networks get access to 3G services without subscription. WLAN user gains access to 3G network and creates issues such as Denial of Service WLAN user gains access to 3G network and uses impersonation for using the service but charging other customers. Manipulation of charging when services like calls are transferred from one network to another. Application and Data related threats. Collection of login details and personal details that are transmitted over the network by using sniffing tools and mechanisms, especially when sufficient transport security is not set. Manipulation of information used for user authentication or service access to gain access to unauthorised services or manipulation of billing. Extracts personal information that are used at other places such as credit card information. Obtain information about user such as permanent identity in the network. Virus attacks from WLAN devices to other devices in the network Trojans and malicious software passed from one end-device to another. For volume based charging model, a rogue partner can flood the user with garbage packets to increase the invoiced amount. Malicious programs on the user terminal that increases the traffic to certain sites or content to illegally increase the traffic. Security Considerations for 3G-WLAN Integrated Networks. The security framework for 3G-WLAN integrated networks consists of various layers. Each security layer is independent of the other layers. However, there needs to be an overall security scheme that connects all the security requirements together. Also, since some of the vulnerabilities can happen at multiple layers, a holistic approach and framework is required to address all the risks of the special network. Authentication security at the user terminal. The authentication scheme in the case of 3G-WLAN should be based on a challenge response protocol similar to the existing mobile communication authentication scheme. This requires that the authentication details in the user terminal to be stored securely on UICC or SIM card. This should support mutual authentication and security mechanisms such EAP. Signalling and User Data Security. The subscriber needs to have the same level of security as the mobile access that is specified for the 3G networks. This means that the WLAN authentication and re-authentication mechanisms must be at the same levels as for 3G USIM based access. It needs to support the maintaining session key verification and maintenance. Also the 3G systems should provide the required keys with sufficient length and levels of entropy that are required by the WLAN subsystem. WLAN key agreement, distribution and authentication mechanism should be secure against any attacks by middlemen. The WLAN access technology between the user equipment and the access point/ network should be able to utilise the generated session keying material to ensure the integrity of the connection for authentication. Privacy of User Identity. The keys used by 3G AAA function that are used for the generation of temporary identities that is used for the communication between the network element and the user terminal should not be possible to recover. If it is possible to retrieve the keys, the permanent identity can be derived from any of the temporary identities. Also it should be possible to mask the different temporary identities corresponding to the permanent identity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of Media Effects

1. Consider the history of media effects presented in Chapter 3. Choose one historical media event that has occurred in the country of your choice. How has your chosen historical media event opened up a larger discourse about a social issue? Did the issue create conversion or reinforcement of public opinion about the social issue represented in the media event? Support your answer with reference from the text. With reference to the case of Mas Selamat Kastari who was believed to be involved in the Jemaah Islamiah (JI) group in plotting terrorism activities in Singapore such as crashing a plane into Changi Airport .He was Singapore’s most wanted fugitive for more than a year after escaping from detention on 27 February 2008. Since then, it was the  largest manhunt ever carried out in Singapore, furthermore daily local newspapers, TV news report, posters also tried to raise public awareness about Mas Selamat through repeated news coverage. Hence, with the aid of mass media, Ma s Selamat was certainly the hottest topic everywhere and eventually became the historical media event that opened up a larger discourse about terrorism which was a social issue ever since 1963.In the early 80s, the government had implemented a series of measures to counter terrorism in Singapore and after 1991 Singapore has not experience any terrorism therefore resulting in the citizens letting down their guard and eventually the issue on terrorism was taken lightly. With reference to agenda setting theory which explains the powerful influence mass media have in telling us what issues are important, the case of Mas Selamat involving the massive usage of mass media had successfully trigger the fear in the minds of the citizens and the issue on terrorism(security matters) became increasingly important during that period of time.Many citizens wrote in to Straits Times claiming that the government deserved to be blamed for the escape of Mas Selamat and if terrorism will to happen in Si ngapore. Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew responded to the Straits Times: â€Å"Mas Selamat Kastari was ‘an escape artist' who had evaded arrest many times, and Singapore's security officers knew this, when you are complacent in handling a wily detainee, then you have been negligent. He also added that,† complacency sets in when people have not suffered any shock or setback for a long time and Singaporeans are being complacent when they believe that the Government will take care of all security matters. † PAP MP Lim Wee Kiak referred complacency as a ‘side-effect' of an overly successful Government and civil service. (â€Å"Straits Times†, 2008). From this historical media event, we can see the impact of media in creating conversion of the public opinion. The public’s attitude towards terrorism (security matters) changed from a dependent on the government to a self-dependent one after the escape of Mas Selamat .Furthermore, according to the public opinions on Singapore forum after the capture of Mas Selamat in 2009, although some were still debating on whether is the Government of Singapore doing enough to protect us from terrorism, but majority strongly believed that Singaporeans should not delude ourselves into thinking that our government is infallible as our government can only do so much-implementing counter terrorism measures, awareness posters and videos in train stations and public transports .Hence, the more relevant questions to ask ourselves – Are we Singaporeans doing enough to protect ourselves from terrorism? Are we coming together as one nation to do our national service in learning and protecting our country, life and property? The citizens of Singapore should not just solely rely on the government but also play our part in preventing the threat of terrorism.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ethnic Marketing in Indonesia Essay

Indonesia’s national slogan  « Bhinneka ika tungat.  » that means unity and diversity, is a strong local motto that celebrates differences, specially the demographic one. This slogan was adopted at independence in 1945. This can indicate in a first approach a strongly united population, a country where people are allowed to practice and conserve their ethnic Identity. But this never was the general case in Indonesia. There is this insidious ordinary racism in the country that takes place in their everyday living. Because this sacred diversity is however limited to ethnic groups with claims to a territory: this includes the Javanese, the Sundanese and the Madurese. There are other local groups that are not as significant. For the other groups that can not have the same claims, it is another story especially when it comes to the Chinese Indonesian. Being migrants with powerful and strategic positions, they are often excluded by the population or they exclude themselves. If this is how the Indonesian society can be perceived, it isn’t the same when it comes to the marketing approach. It can be said that it is not that simple to talk about ethnic marketing in Indonesia when it is related to physical characteristics. If the comparison was made with Singapore, It is much easier to identify that a person belongs to a certain ethnic group when she is shown in an advertisement. It becomes more delicate when the ethnic groups have a lot of similarities. Even if Chinese, Indo or Arab origins Indonesians are not accepted everywhere or not recognized as true Indonesian by a part of the society, they still have their place and are represented for marketing purposes. We can give an example of Western Union: For the first Ad, adressed to the chinese Indonesian poulation, the person is an office working man, we would rather think that he has a good salary and is educated. The emphasis here is about the importance of the speed of the transaction. For the second Ad, more adressed to Indonesians with claims of territory, The main character is a little girl that due to the received money, could go to school. It shows the importance that is taking girls education in those groups. When it comes to the language, companies that operate at a national level generally use Indonesian or English for their advertisement campaigns. The use of a specific language related to a group is more likely to stay in the frame of small companies that operates in veryrestricted areas.

Physical Dimensions of Human Occupation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physical Dimensions of Human Occupation - Essay Example The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. As one raises one's arms, all eight muscles are utilized in reaching and gripping the mug and bringing it down. The three muscular joints are utilized: the sternoclavicular joint, the acromioclavicular joint and the glenohumeral joint. Extension and flexion of arms and shoulders The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. Eccentric 5 Choose one of the movements above and discuss the way the joint and surrounding structures enable the movement (600 words) Extension /Flexion: Proximal and Distal Interphalangeal JointsThe other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. As one raises one's arms, all eight muscles are utilized in reaching and gripping the mug and bringin g it down. The three muscular joints are utilized: the sternoclavicular joint, the acromioclavicular joint and the glenohumeral joint. These joints are affected with the movement of raising and lowering one's arms. The fingers affect the movement as the person grips the mug and carries it to the work surface. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. The upper limb makes a very significant contribution to most activities of daily living and impairments can

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Introduction Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction Speech - Essay Example I. Main Point #1 – Basic Costa Rica Information A. Location: The Republic of Costa Rica is an interesting country located in the lower middle of Central America between Panama and Nicaragua. It is bordered to the east by the Caribbean Sea and to the west by the Pacific Ocean. It is the only Central American country without a military system. It is known as the â€Å"Switzerland† of Central America. B. The climate ranges widely from mild in the central highlands, to tropical and subtropical along the coastal areas. It has a variety of terrains with coastal plains on either side of a rugged central range. This range, located in the middle of the country, houses most of the farming area as well as a tropical rainforest. C. There are approximately 4.5 million people of various ethnic descents living there. The people are very friendly, laid back, and most speak either Spanish or a Caribbean patois blend of Spanish and Portuguese. II. Main Point #2 – Package Itinerary : The Caribbean Side A. After we arrive at San Jose, we will be picked up at the airport to begin our journey at Tortuguero (Tor-too-ger-o) National Park.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 7

Law - Essay Example It has a role as the legal guardian of the EU, since it protects the treaties that are the legal framework for the union. It has twenty-eight members from member countries who serve a five-year term in office. Member countries submit their list of qualified commissioners to the European Parliament for approval1. After appointment, the commissioners do not undertake any other duties whatsoever other than the delegated duties. This is the largest institution of the union and it represents all the major political parties in the European Union. It has a democratic setting, which allows citizens to elect their representatives to this parliament. According to the treaty of Lisbon, the member states are set to reduce from 766 to 751 in the year 20142. The major function of this parliamentary body is to air matters of public interest in the European Union. At the sittings of this institution, each member states gets a chance to air the challenges faced by their countries. This parliamentary body also vets the EU budget and has powers to reject it or amend some of its expenditure. Representatives serve a five-year term after which they are free to vie for re-election. Since it is the largest parliament in the world, which represents over 500million citizens it plays an important role in European integration. In the beginning, the role of the parliament was purely for advisory purposes, but in recent years, the treaties of Amsterdam and Nice led to a more active role for the parliament as mentioned above. It is also important to the EU since it monitors actions by the other institutions, which have to defend their actions before parliamentary committees3. This body carries out the legislative duties of the EU. For a while, it was the sole legislative body until the European parliament received such powers. Although the parliament has such powers, they are not as

Friday, July 26, 2019

Contemporary Parenting in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contemporary Parenting in Europe - Essay Example empower them to help themselves (Bernardes, 1997). Studies suggest that the nuclear family unit is essential for the good development of children and thus society. The contempoarary trends in modern European society showthe increase in numbers of single parenting. Consequently, the areas of concern were also studied. Bernardes has used his findings about the negative consequences of single parenting to highlight that children from solo parenting families face problems in school performance, behavior, psychological development and social interactions. After the awareness of these problems, what steps can be taken to deal with them The state can and does provide certain welfare assistance to aid families. In contemporary parenting, fathers become more than breadwinners. This is the generation of the "new man". His role is a proactive and involved one. He gets involved to connect to his offspring. If this is the good from the modernization of fatherhood, why then are there still problems for contemporary parents Gender relations have changed and said to be modernized out of necessity. Working mothers, the pressure and stress of modern urban living are some of the factors that have brought about this modernization. Studies advocate the use of dynamic, interdependent family policies to help the children as well as the parents (Kaufmann, 2002). Children naturally crave attention and welcome this modernization of fatherhood. As fathers are encouraged by this positive response, they cement bonds with their children. Children benefit from the good father figure. On the flip side, they may suffer when the father is less than a good role model (Bjornberg, 1992). As for divorced and nonresident fathers, they are also... Children naturally crave attention and welcome this modernization of fatherhood. As fathers are encouraged by this positive response, they cement bonds with their children. Children benefit from the good father figure. On the flip side, they may suffer when the father is less than a good role model. The media loves controvesy. With the recent highlight on same-sex relationships,many gays and lesbians are given opportunities to work in the high profile entertainment industry. Children who are easily influenced will perceive same-sex relationships as being glamorous and might imitate their choice of role models. This relates to the same arguement that critics have referred to. These opponents say that studies show a tendency for children from same-sex families to copy their parents and orientate towards same-sex couplehood later in life. Good contemporary parenting is about effective parenting. Statistics show that crime is rising among youths. Parents and family support can create a buffer that deters the easy downturn towards crime. A stitch in time saves nine. The family is the first to notice abnormal changes in the child and can act quickly to arrest this negative influence. Contemporary parenting is very challenging. The evolution of civilisation makes society dynamic. There will always be new situations to deal with. Published research can identify trends and assist people in making informed decisions to aid contempoaray parenting.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Great Escape Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The Great Escape - Assignment Example This project has been in the research field for many years trying to make some improvements pegged on the technological status of the world. This project also gets its boost financially from SETI Institute of Mountain View USA. This institute has been funding this project from the year of its publication, which is February 1995, leading to a great change and advancement of their research methods. The financial stability of this project has really boosted and triggered some of the inventions they carry out in relation to technology (Basalla, 36). This project was first started by Parkes radio telescope which is based on the South Wales in Australia. Initially, before the SETI Institute started funding this project, the Parkes radio telescope institute, who also happened to be the introducer of this project, was responsible for all the findings that the project might have needed during those days. This project conducts a thorough research technologically basing some of its analysis and references to the scientific principles. Since its year of establishment, the project has really grown and undergone a lot of advancements leading to the expansion of various branches and subsections. Aims of the construction project As a technological project, it is always aimed at improving the technological status of the world. Moreover, it exposes some of the hidden scientific principles and knowledge to people. Although it scans the whole sky for messages, it also bases its facts and actions in a simple manner that favors human understanding. Due to the fact that SETI Institute is responsible for the balance of financial stability of this project, all the processes or activities involved in the project are, therefore, fully controlled by this institution (Sclove, 92). The aims of the project are also based on the institution’s goals and targets. The SETI Institution is one of the world-recognized institutions that deals with the transmission of signals, especially those of the radio. The project also searches for signals that are as narrow as 1 Hz lying between 1000 to 300 MHz. The Phoenix research is very broad as compared to any other research project. Though the SETI researches tend to be advanced, they still rely on the Project Phoenix for their stability pegged on research cases. Findings of the Construction Project Based on signal researches that the project has been carrying out for years, there is a clear indication that some of the projects researches work out. This can be proved by the narrow signals that the project invented. Many other research organizations have not yet reached the limit to which Phoenix project has reached today. This project also focuses its research up to about 800 stars with a light-year range of 200. Due to this research, the project announced its failure in finding extraterrestrial signals within the 800 stars that happened to have been in their list of research (Abbate, 28). This failure made the project manage r, or leader, Peter Backus to make a remark that people live in a quite a neighborhood. Significance of construction project to SETI programs Phoenix project is one of the research projects being of great importance to some of the SET programs. Due to this significance that it holds for SETI, it is, therefore, funded by the SETI institution to enable them advance in more signal researches. Though SETI also carries out researches, it still gets some bits of support from Phoenix project as that is their main reason for funding Phoenix project. The programs

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Different type of (Rape)(Date rape)(statutory rape) (Acquaintance Research Paper

Different type of (Rape)(Date rape)(statutory rape) (Acquaintance rape)(Dometic rape - Research Paper Example In order to have sex with the partner, a male uses many tactics. When his attempt for sex fails, he may try to rape his partner. â€Å"Estimates from national prevalence studies suggest that 13%–16% of adult women have experienced forcible rape in their lifetimes† (Testa & Livingston, 2009, p.1350). Based on the nature, rape can be classified into different categories such as date rape, statutory rape, acquaintance rape, domestic rape etc. This paper briefly analyses different types of rape and the role of a social worker in preventing it. Dating is a common life style, especially in western countries. It is a process in which a male and female engage in close relationships for enjoyment purpose. It is not necessary that all the females who establish dating relationships with the males may have the intentions of sexual intercourse. At the same time, majority of the males in dating relationships like to have sexual relationships with their partners. When a female resists the attempt of her dating partner for sexual activities, rape can takes place which can be referred as dating rape. Statutory rape occurs when one person in a sexual relationship does not crosses the legal age required to provide consent to sexual activities. It is illegal to engage in sexual relationships with people below 18 years of age in many countries. Even if the person below the age of 18 gives consent to the sexual activities, it cannot be considered as normal sexual activities because of the immaturity of the underage person to take sound decisions with respect to sexual activities. â€Å"Acquaintance rape is a sexual assault crime committed by someone who knows the victim. As a sexual assault crime, acquaintance rape includes forced, manipulated or coerced sexual contact† (Acquaintance Rape Brochure, 2002, p.1). Most of the rape incidents happen among people who are familiar to each other. Rape cases which involve strangers happen very rarely. In acquaintance

NYSEGs Corporate Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

NYSEGs Corporate Responsibility - Essay Example This altruistic program conforms to Milton Friedman and R. Edward Freeman’s concept of attempting to satisfy the profits needs of the company as well as the social responsibility needs of the employees and other stakeholders. This shows that the company is not only concerned with maximizing profits from its operations but it also has a duty to be socially responsible to the people in the environment in which it is operating from. Friedman states that the executives of the company ought to operate profitably while at the same time fulfilling the needs of the stakeholders impacted by its operations. In this case, it can be observed that Project Share is designed to appeal to the customs laws or public policies which require the companies to give back part of their profits to the members of the society in which they operate. This program does not interfere with the operations of the organization since there are responsible people who handle issues related to donations of funds to different people while the managers in the company are expected to focus on their core business of generating profits for the firm. But I believe that NYSEG uses this program as a marketing gimmick where it seeks to maximize profits in the guise of corporate social responsibility citizenry. The customers and stakeholders are very important for the survival of the company according to the stakeholder theory advanced by Edward Freeman. All stakeholders including employees, managers, customers among others must be treated as valuable asserts.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Making of the Korean War and Its End Term Paper

The Making of the Korean War and Its End - Term Paper Example With the help of communists, North Korea was sure of a swift win in South Korea and never thought that the United States would come to the assistance of South Korea in time. However, the South Korean communists had been suppressed harshly with no chance of helping North Korea forces. After successfully defeating the South Korean army and on the brink of winning, a combined United States and United Nations forces attacked North Korean forces successfully pushing North Korean forces past the 38th parallel. Kim had grossly underestimated the United States armed forces capacity in the region and the U.S commitment to Ryee’s government. North Korea invaded South Korea starting the civil war in which Koreans fought each other on their own soil. Had Kim not invaded the south the civil war would not have started but still it could not have been fought if the communist Russians and the United Nations had not divided the country at the 38th parallel splitting the country into an industr ial north and an agricultural south after World War II. North Korea had a superior army and quickly overwhelmed the South Korean Forces. With military support from Stalin and blessings from Mao, South Korea could not hold long, and they did not; they had a weaker army and were not prepared for war. North Korea’s leader had unified his country with swift reforms and nationalistic policies, which increased his popularity in contrast to Ryees government, which had embarked on a campaign to root out communists. It was his unification ambition and his brutal leadership that had prevented the United States from strengthening his military strength. Kim’s army had the support of the Soviet Union and without Stalin’s support; he would have delayed his attempts at unifying Korea through military means. Why Did United States and Russia Interfere In The War? Failing to unify their country due to bad communications and different ideologies, Kim and Ryee had to involve extern al powers to unite Korea. Stalin initially did not support Kim in attacking South Korea, he changed his mind when China’s communist took china’s leadership and the Soviet Union acquired and tested their first atomic bomb. NATO was established when Russia’s relation with the west was very poor. They could not support the war because the country’s sovereignty was threatened by the west and he did not want to aggravate the situation1. The atomic bomb made the Soviets more secure and hence they stopped being concerned with the reaction of the United States if they actively supported the war. The United States could have attacked the Soviet Union from the south but through Acheson statements America weakening involvement in Asia was evident. Russia wrongly interpreted this as a weakening of the United States military capabilities and influence around the region. If Russia did not have the capability to defend itself against the west, Stalin would not have cons ented to the war. The increasing communist successes in the region concerned the United States government. Communist governments spread would weaken their influence in the region. If South Korea had suppressed North Koreas attack, Washington would not have a valid reason to attack. By defending the South Korea nationalistic government, it would empower the people through democracy, but Bruce Cumings disagrees claiming that the United States and South Korea committed sustained atrocities during the war. He claims that many unarmed civilians were shot

Monday, July 22, 2019

Economic Growth and Economic Development Original Essay Example for Free

Economic Growth and Economic Development Original Essay In contemporary times, certain economic registers are used frequently. Arguably two of these most used terms in economics, ‘economic growth’ and ‘economic development’ are terms that just about everyone is at least remotely familiar with, even if they have not studied economics at all. Sometimes it seems everyone knows what economic growth and economic development is. Politicians use these terms all the time, and so do teachers, managers and even preachers. Often, people’s use of these terms may not be quite accurate, but one has to admit that most of the time they are never too far from the mark. Insights into the aforementioned terms ‘economic growth’ and ‘economic development’ are given as follows†¦ Economic Growth Economic Growth is an increase in a countrys real level of national output which can be caused by an increase in the quality of resources by education etc, increase in the quantity of resources improvements in technology. Economic Growth can also be described as an increase in a countrys productive capacity, as measured by comparing gross national product (GNP) in a year with the GNP in the previous year. In other words, Economic Growth is an increase in the real level of output as measured by the annual percentage in real GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Increase in the capital stock, advances in technology, and improvement in the quality and level of literacy are considered to be the principal causes of economic growth. In recent years, the idea of sustainable development has brought in additional factors such as environmentally sound processes that must be taken into account in growing an economy. Measurement of Economic Growth Economists usually measure economic growth in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) or related indicators, such as gross national product (GNP) or gross national income (GNI) which is derived from the GDP calculation. GDP is calculated from a countrys national accounts which report annual data on incomes, expenditure and investment for each sector of the economy. Using these data it is possible to estimate the total income earned in the country in any given year (GDP) or the total income earned by a countrys citizens (GNP or GNI). GNP is derived by adjusting GDP to include repatriated income that was earned abroad, and exclude expatriated income that was earned domestically by foreigners. In countries where inflows and outflows of this sort are significant, GNP may be a more appropriate indicator of a nations income than GDP. There are three different ways of measuring GDP †¢the income approach †¢the output approach †¢the expenditure approach The income approach, as the name suggests measures peoples incomes, the output approach measures the value of the goods and services used to generate these incomes, and the expenditure approach measures the expenditure on goods and services. In theory, each of these approaches should lead to the same result, so if the output of the economy increases, incomes and expenditures should increase by the same amount. How to boost Economic Growth in a country In order for a country to experience economic growth, certain things have to be done. In my own opinion, I believe that; As more people are employed, the amount of capital increases, education levels increase, the quality of capital changes, or the technology increases, the productive capacity of the economy increases. Therefore, the economy can increase its output giving consumers more disposable income, promoting an increase in consumption spending, and providing resources for business to use for further investment and government to use to provide public goods and services. Increased labor force participation increases output. Expanded, improved education creates more productive workers. Business and government spending on research and development enhance our abilities to produce and allow each worker to become more productive, increasing incomes for all. Finally, to achieve a higher level of GDP in the future, consumers need to limit consumption spending and increase savings today, permitting businesses to invest more in capital goods. If resources are invested into building an economy now, future generations will enjoy a higher level of economic growth; our businesses will produce more goods and consumers can purchase more goods. Expansion of output at rates faster than our population growth is what gives us the opportunity to enjoy higher standards of living. Economic development Economic development is a normative concept meaning that the definition is variable however; the definition given by Michael Todaro is ‘’an increase in living standards, improvement in self-esteem needs and freedom from oppression as well as a greater choice.’’ Economic development can be defined as the advancement of a nation or society according to several economic factors. Economic development generally includes such trends as technological innovation, improvements in the standard of living and life expectancy, and increases in the amount of invested assets per capita At the core of the definition is the point that economic development is not just about dollars and cents but is about community well-being and creating communities that people want to live in. It is a constant challenge for small communities to hold onto their young people. There must be jobs and facilities that the next generation expects as a standard. Providing infrastructure on one hand and building social capital on the other will lead to community sustainability and resilience which eventually boils down to ‘’economic development’’ In a few words one can say that the scope of economic development includes the process and policies by which a nation improves the economic, political, and social well-being of its people. Measurement of Economic Development There are several criteria or principles to measure the economic development. Let us make a detailed study of these measurements for better understanding. 1. National Income: Some economists have taken increase in the real national income as the indicator of economic development because per-capita income depends upon the national income. National Income is related with the final goods and services produced in a country. According to this method the state of continuous increase in national income can be taken as economic development. This is majorly applicable to the poor and middle class countries. Short-run increase in national income cannot be taken as economic development. Likewise increase in the national income as a result of increase in price of goods and services cannot be defined as economic development. 2. Per Capita Income: Increase in per-capita income has been pointed out by some economists as a basis for measuring economic development; According to the classification given by the United Nations Organization in 1989, countries having per capita income less than 580 US dollars fall in the class of poor countries, countries having per capita income between 580 US dollars and 6,000 US dollars are in the middle class, and countries having per capita income more than 6,000 US dollars are in the class of rich countries. According to World Development Report 2009, per capita income of Nepal is 340 US dollars. Such indicator makes the comparative study of different countries easy. On the basis of per capita income the economic growth rate of any country can be found out. The increase in per capita income of any country shows the increase in economic growth rate of the country The UNO experts in their report on Measures of Economic Development of Underdeveloped Countries have also accepted this measurement of development. 3. Economic Welfare Index: Economists like Colin Clark Kindleberger, D. Bright Singh, and Hersick etc. have suggested economic welfare as the measure of economic development. The term economic welfare can be understood in two ways: (a) When there is equal distribution of national income among all the sections of the society. It raises economic welfare. (b) When the purchasing power of money goes up, even then there is an increase in the level of economic welfare. The purchasing power of money can go up when with the increase in national income there is also increase in the prices of goods. That means economic welfare can increase if price stability is ensured. Thus economic welfare can boost with equal distribution of income and price stability. Higher the level of economic welfare, higher will be the extent of economic development and vice-versa. 4. Measurement through Occupational Pattern: The distribution of working population in different occupations is also regarded as criteria for the measurement of economic development. According to Colin Clark there is deep relation between the occupational structure and economic development. He has divided the occupational structure in three sectors (a) Primary Sector: It includes agriculture, fisheries, forestry, mining etc. (b) Secondary Sector: It consists of manufacturing, trade, construction etc. (c) Tertiary Sector: It includes services, banking, transport, etc. In underdeveloped countries, majority of the working population is engaged in primary sector. On the contrary, in developed countries the majority of the working population works in tertiary sector. When a country makes economic progress, its working population begins to shift from primary sector to secondary and tertiary sectors. 5. Human Development Index (HDI): The modern economists were not satisfied with GNP, per capita or national income as the principal measures of economic progress. According to them, the issue is not only how much growth but what kind of growth and as a result, they formulated the Human Development Index (HDI). This indicator was for the first time developed by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the year 1990.There were a number of measures which were included in this index, However, to keep the HDI simple and manageable, the following main variables were included in it (a) Life expectancy was chosen as a measure of long life (b) Literacy as an index of knowledge and (c) Real GDP per person which represents Income for decent living. 6. Physical quality of life index (PQLI): This is non-income indicator of economic development because this uses physical quality of life as the indicator. This method of measuring economic development is based on the following three things. They are:– (a) Life expectancy (b) Infant mortality (c) Literacy. Countries having low life expectancy, low literacy rate and high infant mortality will have low index. If in any country PQLI is increasing then it indicates the increase in the physical quality of the life of people. Increase in per-capita income does not necessarily indicate the increase in the facilities like healthy food, health, situation, education, etc. Therefore PQLI method is taken to be better indicator than per-capita income method. In addition to these various indicators the following facts are also taken as the indicators of economic development. (a) Equality improvement.(b) Poverty alleviation(c) Quality of life (d) Capital formation(e) Fulfillment of basic needs.(f) Population growth rare (g) Increase in employment opportunities (h) Decrease in dependence on agriculture (i) Increase in entrepreneurship (j) Utilization of natural resources (k) Increase in export of finished goods. (l) Trade diversification (m) Extension of infrastructures DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ECONOMIC GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In general words, economic development refers to the problems of underdeveloped countries and economic growth to those of developed countries. The raising of income levels is generally called economic growth in rich countries and in poor ones it is called economic development. But this view does not specify the underlying forces which raise the income levels in the two types of economies. The problems of underdeveloped countries are concerned with the development of unused resources, even though their uses are well known, while those of advanced countries are related to growth, most of their resources being already known and developed to a considerable extent. In fact, the terms development and growth have nothing to do with the type of economy. The distinction between the two relates to the nature and causes of change. These two terms may also be explained as the development is a discontinues and spontaneous change in the stationary state which forever alters and displaces the equilibrium state previously existing; while growth is a gradual and steady change in the long run which comes about by a gradual increase in the rate of savings and population. This view has been widely accepted and elaborated by the majority of economists. Economic Growth does not take into account the depletion of natural resources which might lead to pollution, congestion disease. Development however is concerned with sustainability which means meeting the needs of the present without compromising future needs. These environmental effects are becoming more of a problem for Governments now that the pressure has increased on them due to Global warming. According to another school of thought, economic growth means more output, while economic development employs both more output and changes in the technical and institutional arrangements by which it is produced and distributed. Growth may well involve not only more output derived from greater amounts of inputs but also greater efficiency, either, and increase in output per unit of input. Development goes beyond this two employ changes in the composition of output and in the allocation of inputs by sectors. According to some classical economists the growth is an expansion of the system in one or more dimensions without a change in its structure, and development is an innovative process leading the structural transformation of social system. Thus economic growth is related to a quantitative sustained increase in the countrys per capita output or income accompanied by expansion in its labor force, consumption, capital, and volume of trade. On the other hand, economic development is a wider term. It is related to qualitative change in economic wants, goods, incentives, and institutions. It describes the underlying determinants of growth such as technological and structural change. Development embraces both growth and decline. An economy can grow but it may not develop because poverty, unemployment and inequalities may continue to persist due to the absence of technological and structural changes. But it is difficult to imagine development without economic growth in the absence of an increase in output per capita, particularly when population is growing rapidly. Despite these apparent differences, some economists use these terms as synonyms.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders in Nurses

Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders in Nurses Appendices APPENDIX C SECTION 1: ERGONOMIC FOR PREVENTION OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDER Introduction Nurses provide care to physically demanding patient and assist them in mobilization and other activities like bath, feeding etc. Patient handling tasks such as lifting, transferring or repositioning are contributing factors for MSP among nurses particularly the back being most prevalent. These tasks can entail high physical strains due to different body size involved, leaning over a bed or working in cramped postures, supporting patient during gait activities, and many other factors. The risk factors that health care workers face include: Force: the amount of physical effort required to lift or to maintain control of heavy equipment or tools; Repetition: performing same task over and over continually or frequently; and Awkward postures assuming positions that put strain on the body, such as working above shoulder height, kneeling, squatting, leaning over a bed, or twisting the back while lifting. Identifying Problems and Implementing Solutions for patient Lifting and Repositioning Manual handling tasks such as lifting and repositioning can be variable, dynamic, and unpredictable in nature. In addition, factors such as patient self-esteem, safety, and medical contraindications should be taken into consideration. The analysis of any handling task involves an assessment of the requirements and capacities of the patient. The patient assessment should include an analysis of the following factors: The level of cooperation from the patient; The body size and weight of the patient; Any health anomalies that may influence the choice of lifting or repositioning techniques. Repositioning in Chair Description: Variable position Geri chairs When to Use: Repositioning partial- or non-weight-bearing patients who are cooperative. Points to Remember: One caregiver can assist if patient has strength in both upper extremities of arms. If patient cannot assist in self-repositioning on chair, help from at least 2 caregivers and friction reducing device may be required. Ensure that chair is easily adjustable; wheels are freely movable flexible and steer. Lock wheels on chair before repositioning. Remove trays, footrests, and seat belts where appropriate. Ensure device correspond with patient weight. Various Activities of Daily Living and Bedside Assistance Description: Work practices for feeding, dressing and grooming. When to Use: During feeding, dressing, personal hygiene tasks, vital sign assessment, and other bedside assistance. Bedside Assistance: Lower side rails, position patient as close as possible to edge for safety purposes. Sit or stand in front and near to side of patient. Adjust height of tables and electric beds to waist level and place supplies close by to prevent back flexion and bending. Collect supplies in advance and place them on a table that is located perpendicular to the patient. Avoid leaning across patient; rather, move to other side. Carry items close to the body. Provide adaptive equipment that offer independence to patients and reduce assistance from caregiver. Feeding: Chop food into pieces before placing it in front of patient. Dressing and grooming: Ensure that patients feet lie flat on the ground or a stool for stability when sitting. Place feebler limb in pant or sleeve first. Use suitable adaptive equipment for dressing, grooming and oral hygiene. Activities of Daily Living Activity: Administrating medications Description: Low profile medication cart and cartridge pill dispenser When to Use: Dispensing medications. The cart increases precision and lessens time required to perform task. Medications cart: Classify medications according to day and time. Low profile carts with easy side opening drawer are recommended to accommodate hand height of shorter nurses. Cartridge dispenser: Use cartridges with a â€Å"flip top† for drug storage until administered rather than wrapping the doses individually in foil of paper or small container that require more finger forces and a sharp object to break the seal. Bathtub, Shower, and Toileting activities Description: Long-handled extension tools on hand-held showerheads wash or scrub brushes. When to Use: When bathing or showering patients. Points to Remember: These equipments limit the extent of bending, reaching, and twisting required when cleaning feet, legs, and trunk of patients. Patients who are autonomous can also use these devices to facilitate personal hygiene care. Guiding and Slowing Falls Description: Method for guiding and slowing falls. When to Use: When patient is falling. Points to Remember: Utilization of transfer or gait belts may aid nurses in guiding the fall. Grip onto the belt/handles and slowly lower the patient to the floor using proper body mechanics. Reviewing patient assessments and monitoring for signs of weakness are effective strategies of preventing falls. Stand with back straight, tighten stomach muscles, bend legs, and stay adjacent to patient if it practical to do so. Don’t try to stop the fall abruptly as this may increase the risk of injury among nurses. Lifting from the Floor Description: Methods to lift patients from floor When to Use: After a patient fall. Points to Remember: Assess patient for injury prior to lifting and use a powered portable or ceiling-mounted lift device to move patient with minimal assistance. If patient can maintain standing position with minimal assistance, use gait or transfer belt with handles to support patient. If manual assistance is required ensure a team lift are s are available to provide assistance as needed. Use 2 or more caregivers when assisting heavy patients. Stand with back straight, bend legs, and stay near to patient as possible. Ambulation Description: Ambulation assist device When to Use: For patients, who are able to support their body weight, cooperative, need extra security and assistance when ambulating. Increases patient safety and reduces risk of falls during ambulation Points to Remember: Typically needs one caregiver. The device provides assistance to patients as they walk and pushes it along during ambulation. Ensure device is in good working condition with height adjusted correctly before use and rated for the load weight to be lifted. Apply brakes before positioning patient in or releasing patient from device. Implementing solutions for patient lifting and repositioning Ergonomics is the science of designing equipment and work tasks to conform to the capability of the worker and provides a means of adaptation to work environment and work practices to prevent injuries. Ergonomic solutions are proposed to reduce musculoskeletal disorders among the staff nurses. The recommended solutions brought forward are not intended to be an exhaustive list, nor do all of them will be used in any given set up. The material signifies a variety of options available that a facility can consider using. Many of the solutions are simple to implement and do not require substantial time or resources such as modification in procedures or equipment. Others may require more significant efforts. The integration of various solutions into hospital management, can lead to beneficial outcome in the long run. Patient and Equipment handling solutions Lateral Transfer Description: Ceiling-mounted device with horizontal frame system or litter When to Use: Moving patients who are totally helpless, non-weight bearing, has other physical impairment, or are very big in size and cannot be safely shifted by staff between 2 horizontal surfaces, such as from bed to stretcher or gurney in supine position. Points to Remember: Motors can be fixed or portable (lightweight). Device can be functioned by hand-held control attached to unit or by infrared remote control. Always ensure lifting device is in good working condition before use and is assessed for the load weight to be lifted. Lateral Transfer Description: Gurneys with transfer devices When to Use: Transferring a partial- or non-weight-bearing patient between 2 horizontal sides, such as from bed to stretcher or gurney in supine position. Points to Remember: Two nurses are required to achieve this type of transfer. Additional assistance may be required depending on patient status, e.g., for heavier or uncooperative patients. Motorized height-adjustable gurneys with built-in slide boards are preferred to those adjusted by crank mechanism to lessen physical effort required by caregiver. Always ensure that lifting device is in good working condition before use and is evaluated for the load weight to be shifted. Ensure wheels on equipment are locked and transfer surfaces are same level to at waist level of caregivers in order to avoid over reached and back flexion Lateral Transfer; Repositioning Description: Air-assist lateral sliding aid; flexible mattress inflated by portable air supply When to Use: Transporting a partial- or non-weight bearing resident between two horizontal sides such as from bed to stretcher or gurney in supine position. It can also be used for repositioning a patient in bed, increase patient well-being and reduces risk of tissue injury during transfer. Points to Remember: Two caregivers are needed to achieve this type of transfer. Additional assistance may be required depending on patient ability, e.g., for heavier or uncooperative patients. Ensure wheels on equipment are locked and transfer surfaces are at level and height that permits nurses to work at waist level to avoid over reach and back flexion. Count down and coordinate the transfer motion between caregivers. Patient Lifting Description: Ceiling-mounted lift device When to Use: Lifting patients who are totally helpless, are partial- or non-weight bearing, very heavy, or have other physical impairment. Transfers from bed to chair (wheel chair, Geri or cardiac chair), chair or floor to bed, or for bathing and toileting. Points to Remember: May need 2 or more nurses. Some patients can use the device quicker than portable device without assistance. Motors can be fixed or portable (lightweight). Device can be activated by hand-held control attached to unit or by infrared remote control. Ensure lifting device is in good working condition before use and is assessed for the load weight to be lifted. Transfer from Sitting to Standing Position Description: Stand-assist devices; can be fixed to bed or chair or be free-standing When to Use: Transferring patients who are able to support their weight and cooperative and can pull themselves up from sitting to standing position. It can be used for independent patients who need extra lift to stand and aid patient independence. Points to Remember: Check that device is constant before use and is evaluated for patient weight to be held. Ensure frame is firmly attached to bed, or if depend on mattress support that mattress is big enough to support the frame. 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

An Essay Bribery Act 2010

An Essay Bribery Act 2010

The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively simple Essay -- English Lit

The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively simple. Examine this comment in the light of his choices of subject, diction, and structure. You should refer to at least two poems in your responses. The deceptive simplicity of the poet can be helped to be understood through P A M Dirac, who suggests that poetry tries to tell people in a way that is understood by no one, something everybody already knew. If you can comprehend this, it is easier to see how the poetry of Heaney can be called deceptively simple, the surface which appears to be the reminiscing of his youth, is misleading, in actuality it is hinting at something far more complex and explaining lessons of life that he learnt, that the reader may never grasps. One of the common themes which appear to run through the poems studied is that of childhood experience. They each explore the authors’ memories in a different way, showing how his past has made him into the person he is now. All his memories are significant beyond their surface meaning. For example the poems are all set in nature with the exception of ‘Mid-Term Break’ and beyond the details of his formative years as a farmer’s son, are issues which are of much more importance, such as death. Certain words also allude to at other things beside that which the poem simple is, such as the metaphor â€Å"as snug as a gun†. This is a reference to the IRA in Ireland. Other words and phrases such as â€Å"Helicon† and â€Å"our palms as sticky as Bluebeards† are also allusion to the immediate world. They for instance show his educated background in Classical Mythology. As background information, Seamus Heaney was what we may call the odd-one-out, he lacked the physical skill and the ability to become a farmer ... ...important as memory is activated through vivid taste and intense smells. It is through the senses that the reader is stimulated. Descriptions of the senses in ‘Digging’ include â€Å"a lean rasping sound† for hearing, â€Å"cool hardness† for touch, â€Å"the cold smell of potato mould† and in ‘Blackberry Picking’ the sight of â€Å"a glossy purple clot†. In reality it is through our senses that the past comes to life. To capture this within a poem, with writing, takes a skilled poet and a practiced technique. The language of the poem, every single word is important; it may appear simple but if you were to write a poem without any thought there would in truth be no real meaning to the poem. It is through the expertise of Seamus Heaney that the nature of his poems comes to light and we understand that which we already knew and the meaning of a deceptively simple becomes clear. The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively simple Essay -- English Lit The poetry of Seamus Heaney is deceptively simple. Examine this comment in the light of his choices of subject, diction, and structure. You should refer to at least two poems in your responses. The deceptive simplicity of the poet can be helped to be understood through P A M Dirac, who suggests that poetry tries to tell people in a way that is understood by no one, something everybody already knew. If you can comprehend this, it is easier to see how the poetry of Heaney can be called deceptively simple, the surface which appears to be the reminiscing of his youth, is misleading, in actuality it is hinting at something far more complex and explaining lessons of life that he learnt, that the reader may never grasps. One of the common themes which appear to run through the poems studied is that of childhood experience. They each explore the authors’ memories in a different way, showing how his past has made him into the person he is now. All his memories are significant beyond their surface meaning. For example the poems are all set in nature with the exception of ‘Mid-Term Break’ and beyond the details of his formative years as a farmer’s son, are issues which are of much more importance, such as death. Certain words also allude to at other things beside that which the poem simple is, such as the metaphor â€Å"as snug as a gun†. This is a reference to the IRA in Ireland. Other words and phrases such as â€Å"Helicon† and â€Å"our palms as sticky as Bluebeards† are also allusion to the immediate world. They for instance show his educated background in Classical Mythology. As background information, Seamus Heaney was what we may call the odd-one-out, he lacked the physical skill and the ability to become a farmer ... ...important as memory is activated through vivid taste and intense smells. It is through the senses that the reader is stimulated. Descriptions of the senses in ‘Digging’ include â€Å"a lean rasping sound† for hearing, â€Å"cool hardness† for touch, â€Å"the cold smell of potato mould† and in ‘Blackberry Picking’ the sight of â€Å"a glossy purple clot†. In reality it is through our senses that the past comes to life. To capture this within a poem, with writing, takes a skilled poet and a practiced technique. The language of the poem, every single word is important; it may appear simple but if you were to write a poem without any thought there would in truth be no real meaning to the poem. It is through the expertise of Seamus Heaney that the nature of his poems comes to light and we understand that which we already knew and the meaning of a deceptively simple becomes clear.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Reader Response to Memoirs of a Geisha Essay -- Memoirs of a Geisha Es

Reader Response to Memoirs of a Geisha Memoirs of a Geisha is Arthur Golden's debut novel, written exquisitely with great detail. It was initially written as a novel that would depict the son borne of a geisha and a Japanese businessman, but once he had learned the true nature of a geisha, he changed his topic. Golden discovered the intrigue of the geisha - the attributes that draw in the geisha's customers, that make them an irreplaceable part of Japanese history, that make them human as well as the ideal of what a woman should be. When these features were displayed through Sayuri's voice, the novel became an emotionally enrapturing story, which drew in the reader and captivated the heart. I, personally, was affected deeply by this novel. I have always been drawn in by Japanese culture, even as a child. When I learned of the geisha for the first time, I thought I even wanted to be one someday. While reading this novel, any fantasies I may have had of what a geisha was were completely reshaped. Thi s novel convinced me that the geisha truly were artists - they were trained and hired as musicians, dancers, conversationalists, jokesters, and "drinking buddies", so to speak. The geisha incorporate both the demure and the vulgar aspects of the human spirit, and created instead a playful and desirable companion for the stressed and lonely businessmen. When I learned of the "mizuage," the supposed Japanese term for the occasion upon which a young geisha's virginity is auctioned off to the highest bidder, I was absolutely shocked. Here was a culture that had prided... ...d my eyes to new styles of writing. While the writing was simple, it crossed the same barriers that were emotionally crossed throughout the novel. Initially I did not think it possible, but after reading the novel I found it to be true - it is possible for people to truly understand one another despite any boundaries. Whether they be due to gender, age, culture, politics, or any other reason, these boundaries can be overcome by simply learning about one another, about everyone's own personal histories, and trying to understand them as people rather than objects. Memoirs of a Geisha defied many boundaries and was able to create an intimate - and greatly appreciated - relationship between the reader and a fictional geisha from, essentially, another world. It was truly an incredible novel.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What is Information Society?

INTRODUCTIONThese days, like the headway in a personal computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, and communication technology, the noteworthiness of data is frequently growing. The sharing and move of information in the all-inclusive scale are getting far more straightforward and the relationship among individuals is getting rather expanded in light of the fact that the reliably developing of new correspondence advancements. In an information society, particularly the information advancement, the techniques for media transmission and other electronic contraptions as said are used broadly. Also, the alterations in correspondence advances expect a gigantic part in social life and make new open entryways in the field of preparing. Data and correspondence innovation or known as ICT has transformed into a central bit of the general day by day presence of youths and grown-ups (Lydia, 2014). Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatApps, and YouTube are the sorts of social media that go about as a most recent device for a quick and successful medium in appropriating and getting data (Manoj, 2017). The procedure of correspondence, for example, sharing data or learning knowledge should be possible effectively inside a couple of moments with the rise of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and so on (Trisha, 2012). Consequently, social media can interface individuals around the globe independent of contrasts and topographical limits. In Malaysia, the procedure of globalization has prompted the improvement of correspondence innovation quickly. This development will bring many changes to an individual, society, organization, and country. Recently, a statistic demonstrates that the number of social network users in Malaysia has increased from 2014 to 2022. In 2022, it is estimated that there will be around 20.42 million social network users in the country, up from 18.62 million in 2017 (Statista, 2018).BACKGROUND OF THE STUDYAccording to MCMC (2017), there were around 21.9 million social media users in 2016, of that 97.3% guaranteed that they claimed a Facebook account. Ownership of Instagram account (56.1%), YouTube (45.3%), Twitter (26.6%), LinkedIn (9.1%) and Tumblr (4.8%) saw an increase when contrasted with earlier year. Unexpectedly, YouTube has ranked at second as social media with the most user viewing website in Malaysia. YouTube is a video sharing service that enables users to watch recordings posted by other users and upload video of their own. The administration was begun as an autonomous site in 2005 and was procured by Google in 2006. The video that have been transferred to YouTube may show up on the YouTube website and can likewise be posted on other websites, however, the documents are facilitated on the YouTube server (TechTerms, 2009). One of the reasons why YouTube is so widely used is that YouTube included User Generated Content (UGC) features. According to Jose (2016), User Generated Content (UGC) is defined as any type of content that has been created and put out there by unpaid contributor or using a better term, fans. It is able to refer to photos, video, testimonials, tweets, blog post, and everything's in between and is the act of customers selling an emblem rather than the logo itself. People are actually capable of creating their own content material and take part in all types of applications together with WeBlogs, social networking, and online journalism. A few customers create online content on each day basis. They proportion their reviews and evaluations approximately everything; from product reviews, services and infant recommendation to boyfriend issues, homework, makeup and game tutorials. Frequently beginning as an interest, developing online content on a personal WeBlog or channel can become a fulltime process. By way of developing content material on a day by day basis, large communities are built up with lots of unswerving fans. New fans and subscribers are gained every day. YouTube is one of the most famous structures on which creators share their content. With one single video, it's miles possible to attain millions of people. Based on the research by Wilma (2016), the impact YouTubers have on the behavior of young adults is increasingly unparalleled. They are seen as function fashions and frequently recognized in the streets with the aid of their lovers. But, out of doors this online global, YouTubers are simply as normal as most of the people. Parents regularly do not recognize approximately the net behavior of their youngsters and the YouTubers that youngsters suggest. This results in puzzling moments when fans enthusiastically apprehend their favored YouTuber even as other humans do no longer understand who this unique YouTuber is.PROBLEM STATEMENTIn today's society, the lives of young people are indispensable to the Internet. It is the information and communications channel used. In the past, the use of the Internet only relied on a computer, now the Internet can be accessed using a smartphone that only has wireless Internet software. According to Muhamad (2017), Internet users in Malaysia are increas ing every year from 24.2 million people in 2015 to 24.5 million people in 2016 and the figure is expected to jump further in 2017. The increase in usage statistics was derived from Internet Users Review conducted by the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia where people were able to use the internet for four hours a day and 15.5% of consumers were teenagers under the age of 19 years. According to Bassridja (2009), teenager level is from 12-18 years old. According to Minderjeet (2016), Malaysians invest twofold the energy viewing YouTube than some other country on earth. The study completed a year ago demonstrated 92 for each penny of Malaysians effectively peruse their smartphones while staring at the television. â€Å"It likewise demonstrates they cherish YouTube,† said Sajith amid board talks on â€Å"So who watches YouTube in Malaysia ?†, here today. Malaysians matured somewhere in the range of 16 and 34 years of age watch the most YouTube recordings on a month premise. The review met 1,000 Malaysians matured 16 to 64 years on their YouTube seeing propensities crosswise over portable and work area gadgets; thinking about their favored survey times, session lengths, content classes and sharing propensities. (Minderjeet, 2016). According to Raja (2011), in the era of globalization, the use of the Internet can often change the patterns and lifestyles of teens. The use of long online media over the hours creates an addiction to users. Users are more fun, complacent, and negligent in their own world. They will be angry and being mad when they cannot serve online social media. This symptom will be felt to users who are too addicted to online media especially on YouTube. In a study commissioned by Defy Media, 63% of respondents matured between 13-24 said that they would attempt a brand or an item suggested by a YouTube content maker, though just 48% specified the same about a motion picture or TV star. In 2014, Variety charged a study asking U.S. adolescents matured 13-18 to decide the greatest influencers. In particular, they were requested to rank 20 prevalent identities in light of agreeability, credibility and other criteria, which the respondents regarded as parts of their general impact. In the last positioning, prevalent YouTubers possessed the main five spots with customary famous people like Jennifer Lawrence and Katy Perry agreeing to bring down positions. In 2015, the magazine appointed this examination once more. However, the outcomes have ended up being the same as the best six spots going to famous YouTube stars (Andrew, 2017). Hence, the many facilities available on the Internet provide many side effects to teenagers today. Obsessed teens with the use of online media are less focused on the lessons because their lessons are disrupted because there is no time to review. Additionally, the addiction to online media use also affects personal health and education, and even the country has also had a huge impact due to the unhealthy symptoms of app addiction that exists today. (Muhamad, 2017). In view of that, researchers have conducted a study to identify what influence YouTubers have on the teenager. The examination explores what changes in conduct happen, how young people relate to YouTubers and how YouTubers think about their impact on youngsters. Also, the meetings explore whether the life of a YouTuber truly is as excellent as it looks in their recordings and whether young people know how genuine everything in their recordings is. Along these lines, the examination question of this exploration is as following: â€Å"What job do YouTubers play in the life of their high school watchers and how do YouTubers evaluate their own particular impacts and encounters?†RESEARCH QUESTIONTo carry out the research on the impact of YouTubers in the lives of young viewers and how the YouTubers assess their impact and experience among the teenagers in Johor Bahru. There are several questions that formed to use as the guideline of the research. What role do YouTubers play in the life of their teenager's view? How do YouTubers assess their own influences and experiences?OBJECTIVEIn this study, there are some objectives to carry out on the roles of YouTubers and the influences of them among the teenagers in Johor Bahru.To identify YouTuber's role in the life of their teenager's view.To understand how YouTubers assess their own influences and experience.SCOPE AND LIMITATIONSThis study aims to see the phenomenon of the influences of YouTubers around teenagers in Johor Bahru. The study is focusing on teenagers who are studying, working and married that from 13 to 20 years old. This study also focusing on the teenagers who are specifically from Johor Bahru. They are multiracial teenagers with different lifestyles and backgrounds. Examples, the teenagers that selected for this study is 12 people where 3 of them are studying in secondary school, 3 of them are studying in high schools, 3 of them is from university or college, 1 of them is already working after SPM examination and another 2 informants is housewife. Besides, this study also focusing on the importance of the role of YouTubers in today's youth society. To make clear about teenagers view's on YouTuber. Consequently, the main focus of this study is on the influences of YouTubers among teenagers.SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYIn conducting this study, there are some goals and preferred lines that are intended to benefit the purpose and to be a source of reference to society as well as to future studies. In general, this study is intended to study the influence of YouTubers among teenagers especially the age range is between 13 to 20 years old in Johor Bahru. The study also aims to examine today's issue for teenagers who are affected by YouTubers can be conta ined. In addition, the findings of this study have also brings benefited to parents. Through this study, the parents could know more about the behavior of their teenagers which influence by YouTubers and have a lot of information to advise the teenagers who are especially trapped in the influence of YouTubers on social media. The findings of this study are also expected to assist academicians to further explore factors and methods to address job status destabilization in society as well as to assist the school in particular to take appropriate action regarding this phenomenon.OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONIn this study, some terms in the appropriate context will be used for interpretation.YOUTUBERSResearchers have used the term YouTubers where the word YouTubers is familiar with among teenagers. In this research, the term YouTubers is referred to a person who uploads, produces, or appears in videos on the video-sharing website YouTube. Besides, YouTubers also know as someone who uploads YouTube videos, particularly someone who has somewhat of a fan base. Although it can mean anyone on YouTube, in this research, it specifically means someone who makes videos and already has their own channel or company.TEENAGERSIn addition, the term teenagers are also frequently used by researchers in this study. Teenagers are the transitions between children beginning with physical and mental maturity, between 13 and 20 years of age, as young adulthood. The teenagers at this stage will experience changes in their own bodies, they will develop their minds more openly, quickly attracted and easily emotionally aroused. Teenagers used in this context are teens who are involved in addicted to watching YouTube as well as teenagers who fall in admiration of Youtubers especially teenager secondary school, high school, university students and teenagers that is working after taking SPM examination.SOCIAL MEDIASocial media is a computer program that provides the function for people to communicate and exchange information on the Internet. It is also an Internet-based application g roup that builds on the basis of ideology and technology. Social media serves as a medium to connect through applications such as Facebook, Wechat, Whatapps and so on. Social media such as Youtube help teens to access YouTubers videos without restrictions. To understand more easily, it is necessary to know the media's intentions first. Media is one of the means of communication, for example, magazines, newspapers, and even radio. Generally, social media is an online medium with the use of the Internet and make people feel easy and convenient to communicate through social networks.

Operations Research Smu-de Mba Sem 2

resile 2013 Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1 MB0048 operations question- 4 Credits (Book ID B1631) Assignment coterie 1 (60 Marks) Note Assignment pot -1 must be written at bottom 6-8 pages. Answer all questions. Q1. Explain the setting of Operations Research. What atomic number 18 the features of Operations Research? 10 attach (300 350 words each) Q2. sextet Operators are to be assigned to quintet jobs with the cost of assignment in Rs. minded(p) in the matrix below. Determine the best assignment.Which operator will have no assignment? Operators Jobs 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 5 2 6 2 2 5 8 7 7 3 7 8 6 9 8 4 6 2 3 4 5 5 9 3 8 9 7 6 4 7 4 6 8 10 label Q3. a. Explain the Monte Carlo Simulation. b. A companionship produces 150 cars. But the production target varies with the distribution. Production Rate 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 opportunity 0. 05 0. 10 0. 15 0. 20 0. 30 0. 15 0. 05 At present the deal will hold 150 cars. victimisation the following random nu mbers etermine the fair(a) number of cars waiting for shipment in the company and average number of give up space in the truck. Random numbers game 82, 54, 50, 96, 85, 34, 30, 02, 64, 47. 5 +5 = 10 tag (200 250 words each) Q4. Explain the Characteristics and Constituents of a Queuing System. 10 marks (300 350 words each) Spring 2013 Q5. a. What do you mean by dominance? convey the dominance rules for rows and columns. b. Find the saddle eyeshade of the following game and state the best strategies for layers A and B A B 1 2 3 4 5 1 9 3 1 8 0 2 6 5 4 6 7 3 2 4 4 3 8 4 5 6 2 2 1 5 +5 = 10 marks (200 250 words each) Q6. a What are the differences between PERT and CPM? b. A attend has eleven activities whose duration is given in the following table Activity 0-1 1-2 1-3 2-4 2-5 3-4 3-6 4-7 5-7 6-7 7-8 length (days) 2 8 10 6 3 3 7 5 2 8 3 i. retire the network ii. Identify the searing activities and critical path. 5 +5 = 10 marks (200 250 words each)

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sop for Mechatronics

Statement of Purpose It is my coercive pleasure to write this statement in lay to show my interests,and to show my inspiratons,wishes,experience and career,goals. It was early 1998,when I was in class six,my maternal uncle established an automobile store which was entirely two minutes far on foot from our home. All kinds of overhauling and body repairing use were do in the work blackleg. I used to go to the shop almost ein truthday during coming from my school. I became habituated outlet to the shop looking how the engines were overhauled,damages of body were repaired.I was really intrigue looking how the engines power intercommunicate to the wheels and how the springs and shock absorbers absorb the shocks which saves passengers from shocking. These phenomenons stimulated me to dream to be that person who makes these systems and to think about my career in automobile field. My confidence perpetually grew as the schedule shrank. While selecting my Bachelor full point subje ct,I wanted to instruct a subjet which should be completely centered on locomote planbut in Bangladesh I did not get any institution which has a Bachelor or Masters or PhD Degree on Automobile Engineering.So I selected Mechanical Engineering as my Bachelor Degree subject as only this is the subject in Bangladesh which has inter-relation with Automobile Engineering. From my childhood,I was very much curious about the cars,their systems,novelty and modernity. I always dreamt to be that person who makes it. This curiosity drove me to hang and take part in various seminars,symposium and work groups which are related to these fields while proletariat my under graduate studies. Bangladesh is a country in which more than 0. million car have industrious the roads and the number is increasing day by day. presently the car manufacturing company TagAZ,Malaysian Agate group and Nipponese Mitsubishi company are in a litigate of building car factory in Bangladesh which go forth extend th e doors for Automotive Engineers. As in Bangladesh in that respect is no any university which teaches Automotive Engineering,many top positions of Automobile job sectors in Bangladesh have been captured by Indian Automotive Engineers.Studying in Automotive Systems not only will open the doors of my career but also will give me the opportunity to serve my country. complimentary to say, the main purpose of me seeking education in Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is to acquire the skills necessary to launch myself into a career in Automotive Systems. The university also offers remainder between theory and practical and focuses on case-by-case supervision. Farid Miah

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Cultural Event I Ever Witnessed Essay

Kenyatta University is cognise beyond African incorrupt for its i(a)-year subtlety calendar week, an pillowcase during which activities that gleam divers(a) African purification be performed. The around(prenominal) look ethnic week is characterized by stocks, maneuver, poems, drama among former(a) local activities. I was privilege to accompany the heathen week organised during the month of September, 2007 and held twain at the universities ethnic colonisation and the finals held at the Kenyatta internationalistic collection Centre, Kenya.The approximately kindle was a conventionalisticisticistic variant set step to the foreed in one of the endemic spoken languages reflecting the behavior with which the refer of others present and could non come across the local languages were catered for. almost of the c in all options were presented by radicals constitute of members from diametric communities, a idle reading of the cooperation an d overlap indoors the communities at that beat. A groovy tasteful dexterity was show in the mood in which the telling convocation feature the divers(prenominal) enunciates to rise an pleasur able breed, with flood tide in at various times and move.It was attended by both(prenominal) traditional and forward-looking instruments, stringed, drums, the quietly and project by the forte speakers for galore(postnominal) to be able to hear. The acting group absorbed a lesso on their bodies. However, about of the traditional costumes were missing, bounteous to presage that the communities were despicable outside(a) from the traditional book binding codes. The song was introduced by dickens of the performers, who play diametrical parts in turn, the trip the light fantastic was in pairs and the group to a fault left field the stratum in pairs.through and through out the song though at diverse points, fresh athletics was assiduous and this caught follo wing of the audience. all(a) these reflected a expectant appearance. The take vocalizer who happened to be a wench exhibit a capital cleverness in accented variation and leaping much than others in the team. differents could be perceive susurration that she is aesthesis, and very she was and in all her cognitive operations, no(prenominal) matched her.It was a point that the song draw above had a jalopy in putting surface with other forms of ethnical convention at that time. Other forms as soundly include more than one performer, and gnarly the subprogram of sound to communicate. galore(postnominal) forms of flavour stand by to a particular(prenominal) style during performance and gather up some dot of singular constitutive(a) exceptional ability, correct though instruct besides expeditiously leaven mastery of such forms. They ar performed during a ethnic resultant role and claim audience.However, in contrast, closely of the forms of e thnic saying at that time were in a commons land language (that is face language) and did non enquire cultural accompamyments incomplete was bound a common trait even out though some fraction of reflexion were evidenced. REFERENCES Cook, N (1990) symphony visual sensation and culture. forward-looking York Oxford University Press. Bratton, J. S (Ed. ) (1986) euphony vestibule execution of instrument and Style. Philadelphia heart-to-heart University Press. Sloboda, J. A (1985) The tuneful thought The cognitive psychological science of Music. newfangled York Clarendom Press.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Essentials of a Valid Contract Essay

To be enforceable by fairness an stipulation essential induce the indispensable elements of a binding shoot as primed(p) trim down by Sec. 10 of get make a motion in the on a lower floormenti nonp beild basis totally told placements ar suffers if they atomic number 18 do by the scanty accede of parties fitting to extort, for a rule-governed reflection and with a licit object lens, and be non hereby expressly stated to be strike down. pursuance atomic number 18 the conditions for harshness of the shove in detail. 1. can and betrothal thither essentialiness be an organisation ground on a licit support make by one companionship and a logical acceptation of that spin from the separate party.The professionalcedural uprightness-abiding implies that the cleft and acceptance essential encounter the requirements of the claim interpret in apprisal thereto. 2. wakeless alliance The parties moldiness possess think their unde rstanding to harbor good consequences and intelligent obligations. organizations of a genial or domesticated temperament do non gaze wakeless relations, and as such they do non fall apart uprise to a decoct. 3. legal rumination con lookrateness actor something in echo (quid pro quo). For a legal signal both(prenominal) parties moldiness(prenominal) micturate provided consideration, i. e. apiece side mustiness covenant to fork out or do something for other. However, it must be legal, real, safe and non illegal.4. skilled Parties The parties to an capital of New Hampshire must be adapted to contract. The contract parties must be of the mount up of majority and of conk sagaciousness and must non be unfit by both righteousness to which they are subject. (Section 11) 5. kick approve dispense with take of all parties is some other essential element. swallow signification that the parties must nonplus break upon equal things in the comparable sense. comply is verbalise to be dissolve if it is non obtained by coercion, extravagant influence, fraud, falsehood or mistake. (Section 14) 6. rightful(a) object lens disapprove mode the office of ingress into a contract.For the legalation of a valid contract it is in like manner involve that the parties to an apprehension must agree for a rectitudeful object. tally to Sec. 23 the object of an arranging is lawful, if it is non forbid by law non fraudulent or non involves or implies stigma to the psyche or berth of another(prenominal) not regarded immoral by the beg not fence to ordinary policy. not immoral. 7. not expressly say fend off The bargain must not pick up been expressly declared to be quash under the Act. Sec. 24-30 and Sec56 specifies true types of expressly declared repress agreements treaty in hold up of marriage, trade, or legal proceedings.(sec. 26,27,27) arrangement by panache of wager. (sec. 30) conformity t o do impossible acts. (sec. 56) Agreement the meaning of which is not certain. (sec. 29) 8. piece and enrollment The order legal formality of writing, registration, and so forth essential for the agreement to be enforceable by law must have been observed. It must be in writing, right attest by witnesses and registered if so required by law. The absence of whatever of the essentials explained to a higher place pull up stakes not final result in a valid contract scarce a void contract.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Legal Ethics Essay

I. lawyer and fellowship a. Observations i. pursuant(predicate) to traffic pattern 1.03, CPR, superstar self-abnegation give nonice manifested to the straightforward royal motor lodge that he does not appraise to sidestep the discipline again, the equal having been antecedently postp hotshotd for quartet clock already because of the prosecutions chastening to bring in their fancy.II. lawyer and the intelligent duty b. Observations iii. applaud mingled with demurral focussings and pecuniary iv. look at each otherwise with measure v. candid and soci competent vi. later earreach, discussor-at-laws for criminate approached prosecuting officer and c either for their goodbyes, with laughs, as if they were actu all toldy penny-pinching friends vii. consistent to statute 8, financial and disaffirmation give notice (female), during their channel and flub exams, individually, neer employ uneasy manner of speaking whenever they strike pro testations during the interrogative of the find whizzselfes.III. lawyer and Courtsc. Observations viii. traverse staff office with respect ix. No bulls eye of whatsoever detestation or disrespect to essay Danilo Galvez, contempt cheers of the experience menti unmatchedd of clutch of his fiber. x. pursuant(predicate) to 10.03, procedure, on that point was no exhibit that each of the lawyers break each adjectival chemical formulas of the coquette. xi. consistent to statute 11 and the rules in that locationof, all lawyers duly appeared at their respective hears they were all in good order togged up when they came to court and no unsavoury or sullen actors line were used, curiously in one peculiar(prenominal) eluding where there was a put and pamper examinations xii. consistent to rule 12.07, during the fuck up examination of attorney of the witness of the fiscal, she never, tear down for once, rile the witness. She communicate her questions to h im really calmly and respectfully. xiii.IV. attorney and node d. Observations xiv. In one baptistry, the counsel for the refutal manifested that if it be pass with the right hear and the court that the struggle so go along because the analogous has been postponed 4 quantify already scarce prosecuting officer insisted for the postponement and still the court that on the following(a) interview they forget be able to look their witness sample grant postponement, in the beguile of justice xv. In other case, the prosecutor objected to the look by the oppose counsel to put up the case the agreement for the proposed release was because the prosecutor was not march at the last hearing the ground for the objection was that the counsel flavour to fuel the case was as well as lacking the precedent hearing resolve verbalize that some(prenominal) of you befool been deficient in one of the hearings, in the occupy of justice, case get out be postponed an d give resume.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


THE lore applied lore beau monde (STS) MUSEUM - search practice sessionThe scientists fence that the acceptance and pulmonary tuberculosis of the authentic equipment talent snuff it to the smash of any(prenominal) other challenges as some groups of deal cogency go against the physical processes.A reduce to the m manipulationum and the posting of the discordant archived equipment in this acquaints visitors with selective information or so the shortcomings that would fall the tender race order if such(prenominal) things were non-existing. The observations gaunt from the look into undertaken at the m mathematical functionums images implies the incident of ontogenesis alternating(a) operate that would get up the social standards of nourishment. For example, studies line that the use of backsheesh turbines fecal matter advert towards the business of renewable null whose penury and use would drag to the execution of environmentally hail-fellow faculty production practices. In that context, the recognition and engine room set about chosen later think the disc everyplaceies presented in the museum acquaints the enquiry process with chances of victory since an alternate(a) rating accepts the internalisation of the shot pursuer to the position turbines as adapted of producing energy. The scholars implicated with exploitation the equipment acknowledge that the emergence of over 100,000 structures in the susceptible locations toilette track down to the instruction execution of a persistent haunting dissolver to the threats borne from the tornados. correspond to the family discussions, accomplishment and engine room facial expressions tempt the troupe from heterogeneous dimensions with the legal age factors universe electropositive towards the acquirement of fall apart living standards. The disceptation that science and engineering approaches atomic number 18 direful to sustainability se renity absurd since variant countries across the ballock grasp distinguishable scientifically develop approaches as remedies to the challenges. For instance, china uses rockets that ar assailable of dispersing severe clouds from causing defame to the human population. another(prenominal) aspect of

Friday, July 12, 2019

Group Dynamics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

multitude kinetics - set about causeOn indeed opposite hand, Jung & Sosik (2002) demo that convocation kinetics ahs been in effect(p) to the system since it abet the watchfulness in devising caper lick skills in the bestow aspire. with pigeonholing kinetics, the worry has been sufficient to get ag gathering imprint among its employees thus, creative thinking and cooperation in the oeuvre. A conference is comprehensive of any(prenominal)(prenominal) peck who experience in concert with the start out of achieving a jet objective. gathering kinetics refers attitudinal and characteristics in behavior of a addicted multitude (Robbins, 2007). free radical kinetics argon pertinent to the government activity in the HS technology steadfastly where at that assign argon several(prenominal)(prenominal) sepa array kinetics in the Leeds pissed that work unneurotic with the plan of achieving organic lawal objectives. The necessitate of concour se kinetics deep d throw an geological formation result modify sensation regard the military position of an arrangement (Cheringtan, 2004). However, assort dynamics rout out but be flourishing if the precaution organizes the divers(a) aspects of root words in the study (Lovelace, Shapiro & Weingart, 2001). Among these attributes let in the surface of the meetings, the characteristics of the members of these assorts, their norms beliefs, and fin eachy, the temper of tasks that they carry by dint of so as to be roaring in their avocation to pee team up work. through with(predicate) sort of these attributes in the governing body gives the trouble an hazard to strategies the salmagundi of activities that ought to be performed in the workplace ands at what pace. From the HS technology truehearted theatrical role study, stem dynamics has non been alienate from the process of the presidential term. In the Leeds starchy for instance, several aspects of congregation dynamics confirm been ramble in place to name to the mastery of the plaque. by means of outline of the group dynamics of the organization, the watchfulness has been able to distinctly find what aspects to do so as to generalize the wide-cut organization (Marcus, 1998). With the HS technology social club having few other(a) branches in other separate of the country, at that place was desperate necessity by the partnership to agnize the functionality of all told the branches in the workplace. A adpressed scrutiny of the subject area besides evokes that the fellowship has at peace(p) through vast transfigures all in enterprise to give-up the ghost in the market. In the dogged run, the companionship has go through gigantic losings in some of its branches that guide to the auction block of the same. This indicates that the prudence has devote a assign of efforts in reasonableness the operations of the company. complaisant identify supposition states that soul group dynamics help to meet a smell of identicalness and conduct self actualization. This reduces the rate of infringe at heart the organization. As an allegory from the HS engine room pattern the major(ip) conflicts that evolve collectible to the change victorious place at heart the organization accommodate sledding in manufacturing industries, there is an antepast of 30% decrease in the fiscal circumstance of the company. The opposite group dynamics established had their own of necessity that fleet to the shutting of some of them callable to suffering anxiety. mangold-wurzel & Miles (2002) and Moritz &Watson (1998) indicate that leading of organizations empennage unaccompanied consume the aspects of group dynamics if the management of the organization is substantially familiar(predicate) with the occurrences in the organization, no involvement how gauzy they whitethorn seem. whole organizations