Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dangers of social networking for employees Research Paper

Dangers of social networking for employees - Research Paper Example However, social networks also brought many challenges in the organizational world. The misuse of social networks by the employees is causing big headache to the organizational world. Employees are spending too much time in front of the social networks and failing to complete their routine works in time. They are providing vital company information to the competitors knowingly or unknowingly through social networks. Competitors are exploiting the possibilities of social networks to know the business secrets of organizations through employees. It is necessary for the organisations to regulate the activities of employees in social networks. The traps existing in the social networks are unaware to many of the employees. Employees should be encouraged or trained to use the social network in a judicious manner while working in an organization. This paper analyses the dangers raised by social networks to the employees. Dangers of social networking for employees (Tomexy, 2011) At the time of introduction of social networks such as twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Skype etc, nobody thought that it may affect human life as it does now. Initially the purposes of social media were; spending leisure time, relaxation, enjoyment and instant communication etc. However, after few years from introduction, social media have changed everything. It is difficult to describe the influence of social media on current human life in few words. Virtually, all the segments of current human life are influenced by social media now. Irrespective of culture, race, gender, age or socioeconomic background, people from all parts of the world are interested in social media activities. However, teenagers and employees are more active in social media websites. Social media bring lot of opportunities to the business people and teenagers. At the same time, it brings lot of challenges also. Business is one segment in which social media brings lot of opportunities as well as challenges. Social netwo rking marketing spending has been increased a lot in the past. According to a report, it has increased from $884 million to $2.34 billion in between the period 2007-2009 (Dickey & Lewis, 2010, p.140). Currently, organizations are utilizing social media not only for the recruitment of employees, but also for marketing products and services as well. Social media brought lot of opportunities to the employee community. It is easy for them to share their thoughts and relieve their personal and professional stresses through social networks. However, there are plenty of dangers hiding in social media for an employee. Many of the social media savvy employees in the past suffered a lot from social media. If not used judiciously and carefully, social media can bring more harm than good to an employee. This paper analyse the dangers involved in social media as far as an employee is concerned. Discussion Unlike many other media or channels of communication, social media has the ability to furni sh two-way communication. It should be noted that television and newspaper like communication channels are incapable of helping people in interacting each other instantly. Instant two way communication is good as well as bad as a far as employee is concerned. Instant two way communication helps employees to get the feedback or vital information from the other end quickly and take decisions based on that. However, while performing two way communication, employees often forget about the value of time and they may forget other important matters as well. Most of the employees engage in casual talks with others along with the professional matters while they use social media for communication. Casual talks often end up in waste of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Epistemology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Epistemology - Essay Example More often than not, when people think about acquisition of knowledge that they possess, their attention is drawn to school or college as the source of that knowledge. However, these are not the only existing ways of acquiring knowledge. For example, the process or onset of acquisition of knowledge is way before school when one is a baby or a toddler. When a baby cries, he gets the attention of the parents or caregivers who seek out what the problem is, and a toddler touching something hot immediately feels the pain. Deviant behaviors exhibited by children are met with punishment while good deeds and manners call for praise and reward. All these examples form parts of the knowledge equation despite the fact that the toddler or the child might not be aware of what is happening in his or her life. As the children grow up, there is more knowledge being acquired as they later learn how to dress themselves, tie their shoes, to talk and read. They also acquire knowledge about social aspect s of life like family life and relationships. In general, everything and all spheres of life including work life is knowledge (Cooper, 1999; Feldman, 2003). Individuals who are interested in acquiring knowledge about certain aspects or subjects can do so through schooling or through acquaintance. The concept of individual epistemology as they are developed and enacted in professional paid work can be elaborated by looking beyond the present ideas of epistemological beliefs (Hofer & Printrich, 1997), and positioning individual epistemologies as being dynamic, deliberate, and derived in individual-specific means through a unique set of socially-derived experiences that are a consequent of a person’s life history or ontogeny. Considering their dynamic and constitutive nature, it is imperative to centrally place these epistemologies in the dual processes of individual development and reshaping of socially derived norms. An illustration of these propositions can be made by drawing upon situations in which a worker, in this case, a GameStop manager, learns through paid work and how the work is remade, in conditions of greater and lesser close social guidance. In essence, personal epistemologies are considered as the primary basis for instigating, monitoring, and evaluating the process and outcome of these enactments. Therefore, it is important to elaborate individual epistemologies in order to understand how people engage in and learn through paid work and their reshaping and alteration of their work activities in certain circumstances and at certain instances. Studies of acquiring socially derived knowledge have often taken place in situations that provide strong direct social guidance and mostly through appraisal of dyads for example expert-novice. Therefore, current understanding about learning through work situations is largely premised on richly social affordances, including the availability of more informed social partners An Account of individual epist emology In my profession, in regard to outside support, trust is the most important factor when making a judgment of the support being offered as valued. Therefore, a lot significant consideration is put on my part on the basis of on which the support is provided. Furthermore, the judgments on the value of the different kinds

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Precision Agriculture Technician Role

Precision Agriculture Technician Role For a daily task of a precision agriculture technician is collect data for yields for corn or beans or anything like that. Or i could use geospatial technologies to collect data to find out how much nitrogen there is in the ground. The training you would need is basic like how to run microsoft excel and learn how to collect data and put in microsoft excel.You have to have a associates degree.Im looking to work in oklahoma.I would earn about 85,000 dollars a year. The benefits of this job would be working alone in a office or tractor. Having quite a bit of days off. Eventually I could be my own boss. After I work for a while i would be making close to 89,000 dollars. The extra education would be associates or bachelors for more money per year. Plus once you got the job you would need training and a little bit of experience with the computers in the tractor before you go mess with software designing and data and stuff like that. I picked to work in oklahoma is because i think it is nice out there and the only thing out there is land so land is cheaper. So I could have a goat farm like i wanted to and have 50 acres for grain production and 10 acres for goats and other stuff I need for them. The career in long term will help me with paying plus if i have a wife she would help me to if she worked. Then if we had kids we could easily put them through 4-h and mabey even national shows. The job would help me at home so i could go home and test new technologies before anybody else. This job would affect me greatly because if they ever released new technologies and didnt want to release it until they knew it actually worked i could take it home and test it and then that would make my grain production better every year. Then the better grain production is means i can buy more land and buy more goats. I could also sell the goats to even make more money so i could buy permint technology for my tractors that would make grain production better and then the circle keeps going. Plus I would start to learn every body from the community. I dont want to work in a town like indianapolis but more like monticello or smaller than lafayette. This job will effect my friends by not seeing them but maybe once every 5 years or so. But that doesnt affect me because that would be good because i dont like to many people from my school . On my goat ranch i would hope to have a dirt small aircraft landing and my own small airplane to go see my parents or they could come see me. And if they wanted to they could stay at my house or something like that because im pretty sure i would build a big house incase of any surprises. Or i could even put some baby goats or have an office in the house for computer software designer for self driving tractors. I dont think it would affect my social life because my social life is my goats and animals because i dont have friends. So i would still find like 4 friends and hang out with them on friday nights but for the most part i would spend my time at work or at home playing with goats. I think i would still travel but i would probable have one of my friend stake care of my goats so i know they are safe but i would still like to hunt and take my dad to alaska or somewhere up there to go elk hunting. Overall the job would pay starting out around 45,000 dollars a year and after like 4 years it would be around 87,000. What i would do with that money is buy me around 20 acres of field 10 acres of woods for hunting and 10 acres for farming with barns and goats and then the dirt track small airport. After a few years of paying everything off lie vehicles and michinalenous i would travel some and buy a rv. The benefits of the job will help me greatly because i can use it for grain production and then to buy goats and different stuff Plus it would help me in my job learning how to use all of this new technologies so when i go to install it for a customer i can explain everything to him. I would teach my kids to fish and hunt and about agriculture but by the time they are born the will know everything and will know better than me because agriculture is just technologies you dont even need the farmer no more thats why this job is so needed and its especially needed in oklahoma because all the ground is flat and goes forever so a lot of farms own a lot of acer sand they dont have the time to waste on planting one field when they could be planting five fields and later that season by harvesting all five at the same time

Friday, October 25, 2019

Holocaust Museum Essay -- essays research papers

Fourth Floor The Nazi Assult 1. The first exhibit that I experienced was a film on Hitlers' rise to power. It showed how he played on the fears of the people by using propaganda to promote himself to becoming Chancellor of Germany. Ever though he lost the election, Hindenburg on January 30, 1933 appointed Hitler Chancellor. 2. The next thing that caught my interest was a film on anti-Semitism. This film showed the roots for people's natural fear of the Jews from the times of Christianity through the middle ages and up to WWII. 3. The more traditional type of exhibit they had was about how the Germans tried to separate Aryans from what they considered inferior races that did not deserve to exist. They tried to do this very scientifically by measurements, facial features, eye color comparisons, and other features. 4. In a different part of the exhibit, was the listing of all of the Jewish towns that were totally or partially whipped out because of the Holocaust. The names of the towns were engraved on the glass windows of a corridor there were so many of them that they filled up the entire wall. Personal Response 1. This movie was very informative, for example before this movie I thought that Hitler was voted into power, but really he was appointed by Hindenburg. I thought that it was kind of scary that a government system could fall apart that easily. 2. I was amazed at how long of a history anti-Semitism had. It went all the way back to the beginning of Christianity. I also learned that one of Martin Lutherans, of the Lutheran Church, goals was to convert Jews to Christianity. 3. I was astonished of how in depth the Germans went in measuring the body parts, such as the different parts of the head, the position of the nose, and so on. 4. I just stood there for a little bit, just looking at the names of the towns, and I saw people pointing out different towns of there ancestors, but I could not relate to it at all. Third Floor "Final Solution" 1. The actual start of the German plan for the Final Solution (1940-1945), was to isolate the Jews into Ghettos, and then to send them off to Concentration camps to be used for slave labor, or gassed. 2. The archway to Auschwitz was incorporated into the museum by having it as the archway to the part of the floor that describes the things that went on inside concentration camps. The Translation of the... ... drawers and closets. This is an interactive, hands-on exhibit. 3. The Quote "You are my witnesses" from Isaiah 43:10 is reminding people who visit the museum that the Holocaust really did happen, and that such an event should never ever happen again. 4. The middles of the museum from the first floor up is designed to look like a ghetto, and it gives sort of an eerie feeling to the place, that you are in the place of the Jews during the Holocaust in the ghettos, before the concentration camps. Personal Response 1. It is hard not to notice the architecture, because it was such a part of the museum. It had a lot of emotion in it, like it self endured the holocaust. 2. I thought that this was really nest, all of the hands on stuff, and the little bits of the diary everywhere. It was a lot different to see the holocaust through the eyes of a child. 3. This is a well known quote, and I thought about it a little bit, and I started to think about all of the bystanders of the Holocaust, not, Jewish, not Aryan, just there. They too must have been scared by it. 4. While I was standing there I felt like I was actually inside of a ghetto. It was a sort of eerie feeling that I got.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Big Bad Burger

The Brain Behind the Big, Bad Burger Section 1: Analysis Most Americans will consume any food regardless of the calories, nutritional value and health related consequences. The Brain behind the Big, Bad Burger article mentions the importance of using a Business Intelligence System (BIS) which â€Å"provides them with insights, not just mountains of data† (Levison, 2005). Business Intelligence gets its strength from being able to pull data from disparate sources store it for use in a loosely coupled way, and then pull it out in an accurate and meaningful way.Organizations can pull data from customer surveys and sales reports; however, this information is useless without a framework. Jeff Chasney, CKE’S CIO clarified this point further by stating â€Å"There's nothing worse, in my opinion, than a business intelligence system that reports changes on a weekly basis, he says, because those systems don't provide any context as to what factors are influencing those changes.Wi thout that context, you don't know whether the data is good or bad; it's just useless† (Levison, 2005). BIS gathers information from various data points in the company to create multifaceted contextual statistics for better decision making. For example, BIS helped CKE determine if the Thickburger was actually contributing to increases in sales at restaurants or if it was just cannibalizing sales of other, lesser burgers. CKE Thickburger in fact did increase their sales â€Å"it was selling like gangbusters†.The success was measured through a variety of data points including cost of production, average unit volume compared with other burgers, total sales for each of the test stores, and the contribution of that menu item to total sales (Levinson, 2005). The Monster Thickburger exceeded expectations in test market, and this is why CKE decided to roll it out nationwide. Section 2: Summary of Discussion Questions 1. BIS add values to CKP by focusing on the company's most im portant performance indicators which included sales and cost of sale, historical and forward-looking business trends.BIS uses econometric models to provide context which explains performance. By having this information the company is more agile and responsive to improve making decisions and finding problems areas to correct and take new directions in the rapidly changing fast-food industry environments. 2. Some tips for using BIS is for strategic decisions such as what new products to add to menus, which dishes to remove and which underperforming stores should be closed. BIS can be used for tactical matters like renegotiating contracts with food suppliers and identifying opportunities to improve inefficient processes.BIS can also help improve the infrastructure of the supply chain. BIS is an analytical tool that helps executives make better decisions. It is important that we pay attention to data quality and integrity to make sure that we are not basing our judgment on erroneous dat a. I will also suggest devising key performance metrics (KPI’s) that are most relevant to the business to examine the deviations that are causing losses to the operations and locate opportunities areas to grow and take advantage of. One last tip which is very important is to take into account users’ feelings, and address their concerns up front.The success of the BI systems is user acceptance and without user acceptance, companies will waste time and money establishing a Business Intelligence System. 3. The Monster Thickburger was a good idea because it increased sales at restaurants and it narrowed its overall losses and even turned a profit in 2003. As long as you have an idea of what information you are looking for a system can be implemented in order to find that information and make sense of it. References Levinson, Meredith. (2005). The Brain Behind the Big, Bad Burger and Other Tales of Business Intelligence. CIO Magazine.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Career Episode

LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME CAREER EPISODE No. 1 PIRANHA HANGAR BASE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Place in Colombia INTRODUCTION 1. This first episode is based on my experience as Project and Quality control Manager for the project related to th construction of two piranha hangar base. This project was executed by XXX, the Company which I worked for, and the Contractor was the ZZZ. This construction project took place from August 2004 to August 2005. BACKGROUND 2. The main scope of this project was to build two hangar bases for â€Å"piranha† motor boats.These hangar bases provided different facilities to military personnel that need some support during their military operations and each one had fuel storage and supply facilities, warehouse, dinning and temporary housing facilities . Thus, it was necessary to build a potable water system, sanitary system, fuel storage and distribution system, air conditioning system, bilge and ballast system, electrical network, including gener ator set. Hull, deck and roof structure were built on steel structure with different specs and coating schema. Each piranha hangar base weighted 209 tons and had two storeys. 3.The Hull was composed by five pontoons each one of 8 meters length x 1. 20 meters width x1. 5 meters depth and a main section of 24 meters length x 3. 5 meters width x 1. 5 meters depth. Each pontoon had a specific function, pontoon number 3 was designed for sewage system, pontoon five was used for ballast system and included sea box. Inside other pontoons there were installed pipe lines for fuel, sanitary, electrical, bilge and ballast system. Hull main section was designed to fuel and LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME potable water storage. On second floor, there were located facilities for housing, office and nursery. . The main existing problem for this project was that the hangar base had to be fabricated on site since transportation of an entire hangar base was impossible due to security conditions. ZZ Z decided that this was a Best Value Proposal, which means that the selected constructor would be the company that guarantees the success of the project regardless the price. The company had to define and support not only an economic and technical proposal but also a real proposal that analyzed and guaranteed quality, transportation and security/safety factors.This proposal also had to include a fabrication plan at Bogota and an on-site, transportation plan and on-site assembly plan. The contractor also had to outline an integral plan to perform assembly on-site and furthermore pinpoint which equipment would be used in pre-assembly and joint nine heavy steel modules. PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY 5. During the bid process, I was an active member of the technical team which defined technical solution, including hull modules definition, fabrication and assembly plan at Bogota and on site. This technical team was composed (in hierarchical order) by my boss Eng.XYZ, who is the general m anager of the Company, me and a group of external specialists from different fields e. g. structural, naval and mechanical engineering . In this stage, I was in charge of coordinating equipment to define an integral solution and based on conclusions of the technical team meetings, I did relevant documents such as fabrication and assembly plan, transportation plan, Quality control plan and technical proposal, including project schedule. Final proposal presented by ZZZ was composed of two main stages. The first one was fabricating at Bogota, LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME he hull (pontoons and main hull) and processing steel plates and steel profiles, including sandblasting and coating process. Second stage was transport these steel modules by air and joint them at project location. After a meeting, in which I had to explain and support designed plans to ZZZ, they fortunately decided that our proposal was the best option for them, so the Company was selected as the contractor for the construction of two Piranha Hangar Bases and then it started a new process, which was related to the construction of the project according to proposed plans. . For this construction stage, my job description was that of Project and Quality Control Manager . The following were my main functions: 6. 1 ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES : Supervising and ensuring that each activity was performed according to drawings and specs. This activity was performed throughout the entire process, including construction stage. Supervising steel structure fabrication process. Hull modules were fabricated on a Steel Structure shop located at Bogota . These modules were pre-assembled here in Bogota to guarantee that it would not be any problem at the place.All welding procedures of hull modules were tested by a company which is certified to verify and qualify welding quality and procedures. Steel structure was sent to the place with primer and barrier coating; final coating was applied on site . This decisio n was taken for two main reasons. Firstly, at the place relative humidity level is extremely high, so quality of coating activities could not be guaranteed; furthermore, sand blasting procedures could LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME not be done at the places due to its cost and environmental regulations. Selecting Test Company to perform and control quality of main.I also supervised and ensured that welders were certified by an approved organization. Ensuring welding activities, pipelines and equipments performed at optimal level. Sought materials and equipment needed by the project and assured that those fulfilled requirements established by ZZZ. Once I had identified the supplier for equipment and/or materials, I gave the info to the Purchase Department of the company and they performed the acquisition and coordinated delivery procedures. This procedure was under my supervision and I had to be informed about purchase and delivery status.When the supplier was located out of the country, purchase procedure was my responsibility from beginning to end. This meant that I had to define right supplier, perform importation and nationalization process and coordinate process until its delivery on-site. Writing technical reports that were required by client. Guarantying to client that all activities were performed according to submitted plans. Supervising that those activities were performed fulfilling requirement of Quality Control Plan. Simulating behavior of each piranha hangar base according to hull construction and specific loads.This procedure was very interested since I learned new things related to vessels . For this activity I was supported by Eng. Y who is a Naval Engineer from the National Navy and he really taught me a lot about this subject, we use a special software that LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME simulated vessel behavior according to its own weight, tide level, bilge and ballast tank level and specific conditions that could affect hangar base stability. 6. 2 MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES : Controlling execution budget. Controlling project progress and project schedule.Controlling reports that were required by ZZZ, such as daily reports, Man hour report. Writing and preparing submissions of materials, equipment or procedures which must be submitted to ZZZ and must have its approval. It was a key issue since ZZZ approval took about 30 days and activity could not be started if all the related submittals were not approved. So, any mistake or delay on this activity could significantly affect the progress of the project. Calculating and supporting payment request. Attending meetings requested by client, in order to support project and its progress to ZZZ.Defining and requesting to human resources department required labor to work on site. 7. Eventhough assembly on site was easier than the one that we had planned; there was a problem with the structure designed and built to maneuver steel modules into the water. At the beginning this structure was composed by steel truss and pulleys; however due to weather reasons we required a fast method; so I proposed and built a series of roller boards which were fabricated on AC SCH 40 pipe which was the only strength material available on-site at this stage of the project. It was a good idea.The success of this project was due in part to the rainy season as water level had significantly increased, and so steel modules LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME were close to low-lying land, reducing transportation and handling distance of big steel modules from work area to river. SUMMARY 9. For the successful execution of this project it was important to have create and maintain good team work. Since this project included different fields of engineering and it was mandatory to have positive communication between site engineer, subcontractors and specialists in order to avoid any mistake. The entire roject was performed and completed amidst a healthy working environment. 10. The pr oject was very interesting because it required technical and managerial abilities . It was a personal challenge because it was my first project not only with the company but also with the ZZZ. They have a quality system that really does not make many mistakes and they also have documentation systems and procedures that takes time and cannot be underestimated during the planning process. 11. Our proposal was the best for them; I think that they had some doubts about air transportation and assembly on site of prefabricated modules.Thus, at the beginning, they were extremely dedicated to this project and when they realized that the entire hull was floating on the river, they were proud of their decision. Project fulfilled ZZZ requirements; it was given additional execution time since it was an unexpected rainy season. 12. I think that my role contributed to the project, since I was in charge of key activities and any mistake could dramatically influence the project and its objectives. I realized that I have leadership abilities and that projects could seem complicated but when a project has drawings, specs,LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME a good quality control system and good team work anything is possible. This project was also interesting because it had special equipment that had to be bought in the USA; there was an armor steel plate that was bought in Peru so I learned how to do international purchases and nationalization procedures. 13. In addition, I had to constantly coordination with other departments and gave technical support to the site team, duties that were new to me. It was an important episode in my career and has helped to develop my knowledge base, experience, skills and confidence.LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME CAREER EPISODE No. 2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FOR MIDNIGHT EXPRESS FACILITIES Place – Colombia INTRODUCTION 1. This episode is related to my job as Project Manager and Quality control Manager for the design and construction f or midnight express facilities at Place (Colombia), which is a Pacific coast city. 2. This project was executed by XXX, the Company which I worked for, and the Contractor was ZZZ. This project took place from July 2006 to March 2007. BACKGROUND 3.The first main objective of this project was to provide, at pier zone, fuel, electricity and water to midnight express patrol boats. Fuel was provided from two storage tanks 5000 gallons ea. located at 984, 25 feet away from pier location. Electricity had to be taken from a generator set located at the same distance and water was taken from a storage tank located at 1. 640,42 feet away from pier. These pipelines had to be underground and at pier zone they had to be anchored to concrete structure and protected against sun and bumps.Second objective was to install infrastructure necessary to install a jet dock system which is a floating dock system that works according to tide level of fluctuating waters. This floating dock was 45,93 feet len gth per 29,53 feet width and was composed by cubes of surface area of 20†³ x 20†³ (500mm x 500mm) , 14 pounds (6. 4 kgs) weight, and over 200 pounds (90 kgs) of buoyancy. The cube was air filled (basically a rigid, hollow compartment) with a wall thickness of approximately ? † (6mm). LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME . In order to accomplish this second objective, a special design was created since this jet dock system had to be anchored to existing concrete piles which were not totally aligned with Y-axis nor designed to loads and movements transferred by floating dock and midnight express boats. 5. It is important to note that at this Pacific area, tide levels vary from 1 to 19,69 feet daily; this data was obtained by using Marina records and by doing measurements each hour during six months which were recorded and analyzed in excel.So it was very difficult and complex to design a system that worked according to this tide level variation and that were strong enoug h to support wave forces and directions. 6. In addition, infrastructure included a floating steel platform that was moved according to tide level and that was used as pedestrian access to the jet dock floating platform. It was necessary to design and built a fiber glass floating unit that was used as guide to the steel platform. At the existing pier, there were installed two dockside pillars which supplied electrical energy and water to midnight xpress boats. Fuel was supplied by two fuel pumps. 7. The scope of this Contract had two main activities: Design and Construction. This kind of contracts with ZZZ is very important and requires special attention from Contractor Company. Design procedures have three submittals: Submittion #1: 50% Design submission Submittion #2: 90% Design submission and 100% Design submission Each one of these documents must be submitted to ZZZ in order to have their approval . This approval takes 30 calendar days, and no work on siteLAST NAME: FIRST NAME: M IDDLE NAME can be started if final submittal has not been approved; thus, any mistake in these documents will carry out a delay on execution time. PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY 8. At the Design and Construction stage my job position was Project Manager and Quality Control Manager and I was in charge of representing the company during project execution, approving or disapproving executed activities, preparing and submitting payment request, Maintaining updated submission register, preparing and signing daily report .If any work had not been performed according to specs and/or technical code I had authority to reject the work and to define corrective actions. 9. I also coordinated and supervised the Project, assured that the work was properly scheduled, assured that costs were being properly controlled and maintained and an efficient safety program was in place. 10. The Design team was composed by a Structural Engineer, an Electrical engineer and me.I was in charge of this team and I coordinated and supervised their work. I also designed hydraulic network and environmental system. I was an active member of this team and my work was reported directly to Eng. W, who is the general manager of the Company. Once specific design had been done by each external specialist, I reviewed those and if requirements were fulfilled, I prepared design submissions, which included drawings, calculations and specs and submitted it to ZZZ for their revision and approval .These specs were done using SpecsIntact program, which is an specialized software created by ZZZ to edit and create technical specs according to scope and conditions of specific project. LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME 11. In order to do environmental design I first defined two main criteria. 1) The not treated water quality and 2) the use of treated water and required quality. 12. For determining water quality I based my analysis on lab results for well located near the project area.And for the second aspect and according to specs the required treated water quality was determined based on the following uses: †¢ †¢ †¢ Water not apt for drinking Water apt for human contact: Activities where human skin came in contact water Fresh water washes activities to retire marine salt from non sensible materials that do not require being washes with demineralized, distillate water or with more physical and chemical quality than potable water. 13. After these criteria had been defined ,treatment plant capacity was calculated based on the estimated operation flow, maximum 0. lps, storage volume of 1000 gls (according to SOW), and critical conditions or maximum consumption; the storage volume would be consumed in 1. 75 hours. I determined that the well must supply the consumed water at the same rate, which is 0. 6 lps, to assure water supply at all times. Thus, I selected a treatment plant of 0. 6 lps. 14. According to the water quality expected and its final use, the treatment to be used i ncluded the following processes: †¢ †¢ †¢ Ventilation1 ventilation tray set Flocculation and Coagulation :1 coagulation and flocculation tank Sedimentation1 sedimentation tank LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME 4. The Hydraulic design was done using the Hazen-Williams equation with a roughness coefficient C = 150 for PVC pipes and according to the International Plumbing Code 2003. It was not difficult to develop the networks design due to all of the input parameters were known, so it was make the calculations according to the design process and fulfilling the international standards requirements. 15. The challenge for this project was to design a system easy to assembly and guarantee that materials would resist sea environment and fluctuating water forces. Works must be performed on the sea and on a rainy season.For these reasons materials and procedures had to be carefully selected, reviewed and approved. 16. By analyzing information given by surveying methods, exist ing piles were not aligned; they did not have a common axis . Thus, in order to prevent damage in jet dock system, it was mandatory to create something that fixed the jet dock guides in the same X and Y axis. Since the jet dock system required poles to let floating board to move according to tide level, I thought that it would be a good idea if these poles had horizontal members as long as it was required to absorb X-Y axis variations.To achieve this purpose, I suggested steel guide poles, instead of PVC guide poles which were recommended by Jet Dock supplier; in addition, this material would guarantee a stronger structure, able to support wave forces. 17. At the bottom section, these guide poles were fixed to existing concrete pier by fabricated steel clamps plate 1/8â€Å"(height= 1,6404 feet) jointed with O1† screws and at top section they were anchored to existing concrete pier beam by using adhesive mortar for rebar and anchor LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME fastening s.These guide poles and their supports were prefabricated and preassembled at Bogota, Colombia. 18. On site it was difficult to install these guide poles, since their length was 22,97 feet, tide level would be, as minimum one meter above guide pole anchor system. Thus, this anchorage activity had to be performed with specialized diving people that guarantee that screws were installed according to Torque requirements. 19. It was an interesting experience because, even though it was an easy project, there were many difficulties that could influence the overall quality of final product.Thus, it was necessary to have good specialists for each field. In addition, on site was a senior engineer who had great experience regarding coastal projects, so his knowledge was very useful in solving specific problematic on-site details. SUMMARY 20. I learned new things which related to projects surrounding coastal environments. Overall, in order to do the job properly, a number of variables had to b e considered. 21. All the construction procedures were defined throughout design activities; since I did not have knowledge about ea water behavior and how waves and tides can impact in an on shore project, it was interesting to find that my proposed ideas were accepted without hesitation. Since I was in charge of key activities and any mistakes could affect the project, I worked effectively and diligently to ensure the smooth completion of the project and to ensure client satisfaction. The ZZZ and YYY were satisfied with the project and the installed equipment. LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME CAREER EPISODE No. 3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FOR CONCRETE RECYCLING SYSTEM Bogota, Cundinamarca – Colombia INTRODUCTION 1.This episode is based on my experience as Project Manager for the project related to the construction of infrastructure required at a concrete recycling system RRR ® at Precast Concrete Plant COMPANY at Bogota, Colombia. This project was executed by XXX, the Com pany which I worked for, and the Contractor was COMPANY which is a National Precast Concrete Manufacturer. This construction project took place from December 2007 to March 2008. BACKGROUND 2. Precast concrete plant required an integral solution to solve the final disposal of residual concrete . They did not have space nor adequate treatment for this material.In addition, the concrete plant did not have a drainage system so rain water got mixed with wash water and water produced by daily operation and maintenance of proper equipment and concrete mixers. This water used to be accumulated at lowest areas creating different environmental and operational problems, such as floods, visual and soil pollution. Due to these conditions, COMPANY decided to install a recycling RRR ® system, which offered the complete solution not only for reclaiming aggregates and cementitious water for reuse in the production process but also for treating excess water.LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME 3. A r ecycling system provides a closed loop system and consists of a reclaimer and a system to reuse the water. With a recycling system the sand and aggregates as well as the greywater are reused in the batch plant. There was no material leftover to dispose of and therefore a zero discharge solution. 4. This water is treated in a way that enables clear water to be available after the process and can then be used within the factory . The accruing sludge can be used in the batch plant to provide a closed loop system. 5.The objective for this project was to build several civil works such , Rigid pavement including granular as :Reinforced concrete tanks for storage of clarified and greywater, foundation for RRR ® equipment layers, potable water network , electrical network, drainage system and environmental works like grease / oil trap and sand trap treatment . 6. As project manager, my work was supervised by Eng. M who is the owner of the company and I reported every subject related to pr oject performance to him and the general manager of the Precast Concrete Company.PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY 7. At the beginning of the project we had a general drawing given by RRR ® system supplier. This drawing was a layout drawing that indicated general dimensions / distances and water and electrical supply network requirements. The first activity that I had to do was locating RRR ® infrastructure inside the general layout of the concrete plant which had existing facilities including cement and aggregates bins, office building, warehouse and a maintenance shop. Thus, I had to define a RRR ® LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME ystem location analyzing existing facilities and parameters like flooding areas, maneuver distances and turn radius. 8. After the suggested location was approved by Client, it was mandatory to improve draft drawings given by machine supplier. Therefore, the second activity was to define maneuver area, pavement slope, drainage system location and grea se/oil trap and sand trap treatment location. Once these criteria had been defined by me and approved by the general manager of the Precast Concrete Company ,I designed each one of these items . . For designing a drainage system I analyzed two main water sources; rain water which was calculated by using Rational method and wash water which was calculated by direct measurement and according to number of loaded cars per day. For Rainfall intensity I used pluviometric Record located at the project area. Since water had sediments, I designed a system based on reinforced concrete open channel in order to facilitate maintenance operations. Q: c: i: A: Flow (m3/sec) Runoff coefficient Rainfall Intensity (m/sec) Catchment Area (m2)Q = c ? i ? A Rational Method 10. To design grease / oil trap I used flow calculated in previous stage and used a retention period of 20 mins which is the one suggested by National code for Hydro sanitary Activities (RAS) . 9. The company for whom I worked, starte d the construction of the project according to design drawings. I supervised each activity and ensured performance was carried out in accordance with drawing specifications given by RRR ®, who was the equipment supplier. I alsoLAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME Coordinated and supervised the Project performance, Assured that the work was properly scheduled and that costs were being properly controlled. 10. My work fulfilled project requirement. This could clearly be noted when equipment and recycling systems arrived from Germany. Everything meant my requirements and the installation process went smoothly. Drainage and treatment system were an integral solution to existing water problems reducing flooding areas. 11.Throughout project execution it was not technical difficulties, assembly on site was easy and there no were required any extra works or any modification SUMMARY 12. For the execution of this project it was very important to have good client communication. Positive team w ork transpired throughout the entire project and this and this affirmed and aided the constructive client communication. Overall I believe I was a good project manager, both from the client perspectives and from the workers perspective. 13.The project was a success and I believe that success was and is a reflection of my capabilities. The project was very interesting because it required technical and managerial abilities. It was a personal challenge because it was the first recycling system in my country. There was little technical expertise and know how available to assist me and few knowledgeable people to go to for advice. I had to use my own initiative to get the job done successfully. LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAME 14. I think this project has been one of the biggest challenges of my professional career thus far.I had to develop an important design project in a short time and without previous experiences about RRR system. In addition I had to constantly coordinate with othe r departments and give technical support to the site team, duties that were new to me. It was an important episode in my career and has enabled me to gain much knowledge as I had little previous experience in many of the areas I encountered. This project enabled me to further my professional knowledge base, expand my technical expertise and develop my managerial capabilities.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

An Easy Way to Write a 500-Word Essay

An Easy Way to Write a 500-Word Essay An Easy Way to Write a 500-Word Essay During student years, we have to face multiple tasks, which differ in complexity, style and guidelines. However, a 500-word essay is probably one of the most common tasks you will ever face, so you need to be ready to complete it not depending on the subject. Some students call it the simplest assignment, while others consider a punishment. However, we are ready to calm everyone: following a few simple rules, you will easily master this task and will be able to complete such an essay without any problems. The only secret is that you need to write on a topic you understand and provide your personal opinion on the subject. However, even if you know the topic, you might have no time or lack inspiration. You may also miss a few classes and find it difficult to keep up with all the tasks. In such a case, you can turn to a professional writing service or try to complete a 500-word essay on your own, following our guidelines. Mastering all the tips and having a few examples will definitely save lots of your time and will guarantee high grades. Everything you need to know to complete a 500-word essay Here are the main tips and advice, which you need to consider to complete the assignment in the best possible way: Write an outline. It will be much easier to complete an essay if you have an overall idea of what to write about. Add various points or hints to remember what you were going to discuss. It doesn’t mean that you need to stick to your outline without making any changes along the way; Start with telling the reader about the main idea of your essay, its background, discussed questions and possible results. Make this section as interesting as possible to encourage the audience to go on reading. Remember that using complicated sentences and boring language may make the reader want to put aside your essay; Body paragraphs. This section will require your maximum attention, as you need to provide all the information on the topic. Don’t forget to provide reliable information, backed with facts, data and various visual elements to make the whole essay interesting and easy to read; Closing thoughts always have a great value, as they are a combination of all of your thoughts and ideas. Here you need to summarize everything you have concluded and provide your predictions for the future. In addition, you can always write down something challenging to make the reader want to think on the topic; Personal style. The best part of any essay is that we all have our unique writing style and the way we master words reflects our personality and outlook on life. That is why the best advice will be to adjust your style to the topic. If it is a descriptive essay, be brief and straight to the point. If you need to be creative, spice up your paper with humor and colors! Check the paper. After completing the essay, put it aside and take some time to rest. Later you can go through it again, fixing all the mistakes. Another useful advice is to look at the paper as if you are a reader. Make sure your essay is easy to read and interesting, not complicated with heavy sentences and structures; Avoid plagiarism. Your professor will easily find out that you have used side sources to complete an essay. It doesn’t mean that you need to have fresh ideas for everything. However, you can use quotes and mentioning without pretending you have written everything on your own. All these tips are universal and you can apply them not depending on the task: a 500-word essay, a research paper or any other assignment. Moreover, you can use your writing skills to make additional money during student years and complete academic assignments for others! What can be easier to change lives of other students, using our simple and effective tips?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Police Cuuroption Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers

Police Cuuroption Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers Police Cuuroption Police corruption is a complex issue. Police corruption or the abuse of authority by a police officer, acting officially to fulfill personal needs or wants, is a growing problem in the United States today. Things such as an Internal Affairs department, a strong leadership organization, and community support are just a few considerations in the prevention of police corruption. An examination of a local newspaper or any police-related publication in an urban city during any given week would most likely have an article about a police officer that got caught committing some kind of corrupt act. Police corruption has increased dramatically with the illegal cocaine trade, with officers acting alone or in-groups to steal money from dealers or distribute cocaine themselves. Large groups of corrupt police have been caught in New York, New Orleans, Washington, DC, and Los Angeles, as well as many other cities. Corruption within police departments falls into 2 basic categories, external corruption and internal corruption. In this research project, I will concentrate on external corruption. Recently, external corruption has been given the larger center of attention. I have decided to include the fairly recent accounts of corruption from a few major cities, mainly New York, because that is where I have lived in the past year. I compiled my information from a number of articles written in the New York Times over the last few years. My definitional information and background data came from books that have been written on the issues of police corruption. Those books helped me create a basis of just what the different types of corruption, as well as how and why corruption happens. Corruption in policing is usually viewed as the mistreatment of authority by police officer acting officially to fulfill personal needs or wants. For a corrupt act to occur, three distinct elements of police corruption must be present simultaneously: 1) mishandling of authority, 2) mishandling of official capacity, and 3) mishandling of personal attainment (Dantzker, 1995: p 157). It can be said that power, inevitably tends to corrupt. It is yet to be recognized that while there is no reason to suppose that policemen as individuals are any less fallible than other members of society, people are often shocked and outraged when policemen are exposed violating the law. The reason is simple; their deviance elicits a special feeling of betrayal. Most studies support the view that corruption is endemic, if not universal, in police departments. The danger of corruption for police, is that it may invert the formal goals of the organization and may lead to the use of organizational power to encourage and create crime rather than to deter it (Sherman 1978: p 31). Police corruption falls into two major categories external corruption, which concerns police contacts with the public; and internal corruption, which involves the relationships among policemen within the works of the police department. The external corruption generally consists of one or more of the following activities: 1) Payoffs to the police, by people who essentially violate non-criminal elements, who fail to comply with stringent statutes or city ordinances. 2) Payoffs to the police, by individuals who continually break the law, using various methods to earn illegal money. 3) Clean Graft where money is paid to the police for services, or where courtesy discounts are given as a matter of course to the police. Police officers have been involved in activities such as extortion of money and/or narcotics from drug violators. In order for these violators to avoid arrest, the police officers have accepted bribes, and accepted narcotics, which they turned around and sold. These police know of the violations, and fail to take proper enforcement action. They have entered into personal associations with narcotics criminals and in some cases have used narcotics. They have given false testimonies in court in order to obtain dismissal of the charges against a defendant (Sherman 1978: p 129). A scandal is perceived both as a socially constructed phenomenon, and as an agent of change that can lead to realignments in the structure of power within organizations. New York, for instance, has had more than a half dozen major scandals concerning its police department within a century. It was the Knapp

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Count Above 10,000 in Chinese

How to Count Above 10,000 in Chinese Mandarin numbers up to 9,999 follow the same basic pattern as English numbers, but numbers 10,000 and higher are quite different. In English, numbers larger than 10,000 are stated in terms of thousands. However, large numbers are written and read as divisions of 10,000 in Chinese. Ten Thousand The Chinese character for 10,000 is è  ¬ / ä ¸â€¡ (traditional / simplified), pronounced wn. Any number higher than 10,000 read in terms of the number of 10,000s. For example, 20,000 would be å… ©Ã¨  ¬ / ä ¸ ¤Ã¤ ¸â€¡ (liÇŽng wn), or two ten-thousands. 17,000 would be ä ¸â‚¬Ã¨  ¬Ã¤ ¸Æ'Ã¥ Æ' / ä ¸â‚¬Ã¤ ¸â€¡Ã¤ ¸Æ'Ã¥ Æ' (yÄ « wn qÄ « qiÄ n), or one ten-thousand seven thousand. 42,300 would be å››è  ¬Ã¥â€¦ ©Ã¥ Æ'ä ¸â€°Ã§â„¢ ¾ / å››ä ¸â€¡Ã¤ ¸ ¤Ã¥ Æ'ä ¸â€°Ã§â„¢ ¾ (sà ¬ wn liÇŽng qiÄ n sÄ n bÇŽi), or four ten-thousand  two thousand three hundred.   So on and so forth, any number from 10,000 up to 100,000,000 is constructed by the following pattern: number of 10,000snumber of 1,000snumber of 100snumber of tensnumber of ones If there is a zero in the hundreds, tens, or ones place, it is replaced by é› ¶ là ­ng. If there are a series of zeros, as in 21,001, they are replaced by a single é› ¶ là ­ng. Examples of Large Numbers Here is a list of more large numbers. Audio files are available and marked with ââ€" º to help with pronunciation and listening comprehension skills. See if you can say the number out loud without looking at the Chinese version. Or, listening to the audio file and see if you can write out the number. 58,697ââ€" ºwÇ” wn bÄ  qiÄ n lià ¹ bÇŽi jiÇ” shà ­ qÄ «Ã¢â‚¬â€¹Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¨  ¬Ã¥â€¦ «Ã¥ Æ'å… ­Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¤ ¹ Ã¥  Ã¤ ¸Æ'ä ºâ€Ã¤ ¸â€¡Ã¥â€¦ «Ã¥ Æ'å… ­Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¤ ¹ Ã¥  Ã¤ ¸Æ'950,370ââ€" ºjiÇ” shà ­ wÇ” wn sÄ n bÇŽi qÄ « shà ­Ã¤ ¹ Ã¥  Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¨  ¬Ã¤ ¸â€°Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¤ ¸Æ'Ã¥  Ã¤ ¹ Ã¥  Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¤ ¸â€¡Ã¤ ¸â€°Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¤ ¸Æ'Ã¥  1,025,658ââ€" ºyÄ « bÇŽi ling à ¨r wn wÇ” qiÄ n lià ¹ bÇŽi wÇ” shà ­ bÄ Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã©â€º ¶Ã¤ ºÅ'è  ¬Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¥ Æ'å… ­Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¥  Ã¥â€¦ «Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã©â€º ¶Ã¤ ºÅ'ä ¸â€¡Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¥ Æ'å… ­Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¥  Ã¥â€¦ «21,652,300ââ€" ºliÇŽng qiÄ n yÄ « bÇŽi lià ¹ shà ­ wÇ” wn liÇŽng qiÄ n sÄ n bÇŽiå… ©Ã¥ Æ'ä ¸â‚¬Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¥â€¦ ­Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¨  ¬Ã¥â€¦ ©Ã¥ Æ'ä ¸â€°Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¤ ¸ ¤Ã¥ Æ'ä ¸â‚¬Ã§â„¢ ¾Ã¥â€¦ ­Ã¤ ºâ€Ã¤ ¸â€¡Ã¤ ¸ ¤Ã¥ Æ'ä ¸â€°Ã§â„¢ ¾97,000,000ââ€" ºjiÇ” qiÄ n qÄ « bÇŽi wnä ¹ Ã¥ Æ'ä ¸Æ'ç™ ¾Ã¨  ¬Ã¤ ¹ Ã¥ Æ'ä ¸Æ'ç™ ¾Ã¤ ¸â€¡ Even Larger Numbers After ten thousand, the next largest number unit used in Chinese is one-hundred million. One-hundred million in Mandarin Chinese is å„„ / ä º ¿ (ââ€" ºyà ¬). It can also be expressed as è  ¬Ã¨  ¬ / ä ¸â€¡Ã¤ ¸â€¡ (wn wn). Following are the series of numbers larger than one-hundred million. Each number is 10,000 times larger than the previous one. åž“ / å…† zho 1012ä º ¬ jÄ «ng 1016åž“ gÄ i 1020ç § ­ zÇ  1024ç © ° rng 1028æ º  / æ ²Å¸ gÃ… u 1032æ ¾â€" / æ ¶ § jin 1036æ ­ £ zhÄ“ng 1040è ¼â€° / è ½ ½ zi 1044 Learning Tips Using numbers units like è  ¬ / ä ¸â€¡or å„„ / ä º ¿ can be confusing at first. Here are a few tips for quickly knowing how to read large numbers out loud. One tip is to move the comma one place to the left. A number is usually separated every three digits by a comma. For example: 14,000. Now, lets move the comma over by one digit. By seeing a number 1,4000, it becomes easier to read numbers in terms of ten-thousands. In this case, it is  Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¨  ¬Ã¥â€ºâ€ºÃ¥ Æ' /  Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¤ ¸â€¡Ã¥â€ºâ€ºÃ¥ Æ', or one ten-thousand four thousand.   Another tip is to simply memorize a few large numbers. How do you say one million in Chinese? What about 10 million?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bankruptcy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bankruptcy - Essay Example If Quick ratio, Current ratio and Times Interest Earned ratio are negative then this is an indication that the company faces liquidity problems and the creditors are not satisfied with the company's financial performance and also the creditors will not issue more debt in future (Tenk). If the company's cash outflows are higher than the cash inflows then this is an alarming situation for the company. It gives also the indication that there is any mismanagement exists in the company's operating, investing and financing activities (Tenk). 1. Implication on Current Asset: Current assets are reviewed critically after the announcement of bankruptcy. All the necessary payments to the creditors are made through sales of those assets. (Main Effects of Petitioning for Bankruptcy). 2. Implication on Future Assets: After bankruptcy, the company loses its money with respect to the payments made to the creditors and the money left is insufficient in order to acquire back the assets, to start running the business again in future. Moreover, time value of money and the factor of inflation also make a significant impression on the future assets. (Main Effects of Petitioning for Bankruptcy). 3. ... All the necessary payments to the creditors are made through sales of those assets. (Main Effects of Petitioning for Bankruptcy). 2. Implication on Future Assets: After bankruptcy, the company loses its money with respect to the payments made to the creditors and the money left is insufficient in order to acquire back the assets, to start running the business again in future. Moreover, time value of money and the factor of inflation also make a significant impression on the future assets. (Main Effects of Petitioning for Bankruptcy). 3. Implication on Future Credit: The element of bankruptcy also brings about a curse for the company as it then faces difficulty in acquiring additional debt for its future business operations. Because of bankruptcy the company's goodwill and credit ratings are also negatively impacted (Main Effects of Petitioning for Bankruptcy). PROS AND CONS OF BANKRUPTCY The advantages of bankruptcy are stated below: After filing the bankruptcy, the creditors are legally bound to stop all activities of debt collection. Filing for Bankruptcy give sthe company a fresh financial start In most of the bankruptcy cases certain categories of propertys like home, life insurance and car, are exempted in order to repayment of debt to creditor. The disadvantages of bankruptcy are stated below: Declaration of bankruptcy distorts the image and goodwill of the company. In near future the company faces difficulty financing their expenses by acquiring more debt. Due to the bankruptcy, the company's stock prices fall and there is an implication on ceasing the future business operations. Due to the effect to bankruptcy, the company loses control over its property (Bankruptcy Pros and Cons). In order to sue

Friday, October 18, 2019

Buss & Gov Que Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Buss & Gov Que - Essay Example In order to understand the effectiveness of the system approach to innovation, it is significant to review how this system has led to strengthening of innovation in the United States of America. Innovation in the Unites States of America can be viewed as a role of free access to markets, capital, human resources, macroeconomic environment, and industrial structure (Bergek et al 2008, p 408). The Function approach has been used by policy makers in the United States, which in turn has strengthened the tendency of innovation system perspective to open up richer and more difficult innovation policies. In addition, policymakers also use the innovation system approach to define process goals of their interventions in terms of a changed functional pattern in industrial operation. They have done this by explaining the nature of these processes in terms of the outcome of a balance between various inducements and blocking mechanisms. The approach is applied to identify the key policy challenge s that exist. The components of the innovation system are networks, institutions, and actors who contribute to the function of diffusing, developing, and utilizing new products and processes. Although the system calls for collective actions and coordinated action, an innovation system approach is analytical in nature in the sense that it does not focus on how to exist as fully-fledged system. For instance, access to capital is very essential to commercializing output. Some areas in the US have taken longer periods to bring new items to market. Due to this, the availability of funds to fund the commercialization of new technologies is very essential in determining the performance of the business. In addition, the industrial structure in the United States has provided competitive environment where technological innovations can operate. Further, development is often linked with availability of technology developers whose role is to drive development by providing required technologies, resources, markets, and applications. Most industries innovate and improve on new products in order to be competitive. The level of resource mobilization in the United States is strong since it has managed to mobilize human capital through education and training in specific scientific and technological disciplines as well as entrepreneurial, finance and management. There is an association between industries and educational institutions whereby educational institutions offer educational programs that prepare students to venture into business by developing stronger association to the industrial sector via internships, cooperation, and research projects (Bergek et al 2008, p 410). The importance of innovation and diffusion process recommends the generation of positive external economies, which is a key process in the formation, and growth of business. The feature of United States markets and marketing potential has influenced the innovation and diffusion of its business. For instance, it has access to regional, local, and international markets in which it can sell its products. The nature of technological innovation changes with time so as the nature of industrial products and services in that industries and factories manufacture new products based on new and enhanced technology. Therefore, in order for commercialization to be successful like it is in the United States, it is vital to create a conducive surrounding to innovation and

Habitual Offender Laws in Alabama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Habitual Offender Laws in Alabama - Essay Example While Erwin Chemerinsky tries to prove that the three strikes law does not always work and the absurdity of applying it to the Leandro Andrade and other nonviolent offences, Helland and Tabarrok have estimated that it effectively deters as well as incapacitates both soft core and hard core offenders, by reducing crime between 17-20 percent. It is costly since the average offender under three strikes law spends at least 20 years in prison. Even so, it helps prevent at least 31,000 crimes a year by keeping criminals off the streets for longer terms. Introduction The three strikes law is a law that allows State Courts to impose a life sentence with possibility of parole for people who have been convicted of three or more crimes of violent or serious nature. It was popular in the 1990s but has been criticized of late - it does not allow for judges to look at the circumstances of the case and let the punishment fit the crime. Discussion It seems that three strikes law is another form of m andatory sentencing, and those guidelines were thrown out of the window by the Supreme Court in 2005 (MSNBC News Website, 2005). Writing against the habitual offenders law in California, Harvard graduate and Constitutional Law expert Erwin Chemerinsky’s article entitled ‘Is California’s Three Strikes Mandatory Sentencing Law Cruel and Unusual Punishment?’ argues against the Three Strikes Law in the light of three or four cases. Leandro Andrade was sentenced to 50 years or two consecutive terms of 25 years each because of stealing kids’ videotapes on two separate occasions- the total value of which was $153. Because he had two prior convictions, the judge decided to slap a felony on him- instead of a misdemeanor that carried a much lesser sentence. The main impetus for change has come from FAMM or Families Against Mandatory Sentencing, which states that these laws are unrelenting and pass sentence just on the basis of the weight and type of drug an o ffender possesses (FAMM, 2012) The Law has clearly established that grossly disproportionate punishments are cruel and unusual and violate the Eighth Amendment. In Atkins v. Virginia (2002) the Court had ruled that the Eighth Amendment succinctly prohibits excessive sanctions. What is to be looked at is (1) the gravity of the offence and the harshness of the penalty; (2) sentences imposed on other criminals in the same area and (3) sentences imposed on criminals for the same crime committed in other areas. In Coker v. Georgia (1977) it was ruled that the sentence of death prescribed for rape was grossly disproportionate and excessive in terms of the Eighth Amendment. Similarly in Solem it was argued that to convict a man to life imprisonment for passing a bad check for $100 and six prior lighter and nonviolent offences was unconstitutional and excessive. Both the Helm and Andrade cases were non-violent offences and involved amounts less than $400, which separates grand theft from pe tty theft. By looking at prior records, the three strikes law is punishing a criminal for prior offences for which he has already served time. It could be upheld if reasonable men supported the decision, but no reasonable man will. Writing in support of the three strikes law in Does Three Strikes Deter? Eric Helland and Alex Tabarrok (2007) state that this law was enacted in California in March 1994.

Strategic Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Strategic Leadership - Assignment Example The tactical implementation plan is as important as the strategic plan because it takes the vision and strategy to the point of contact.† The author likens Sun Tzu’s leadership with the European strategist, Captain Johnstone, wrote mention in his 1916 research that one must fight the enemy to uncover the enemy’s weaknesses. With the initial proving attacks, the army can engineer the main decisive attack based on the outcome of the initial attack advances. The tentative attack should not be classified as a separate attack but s part and parcel of the main attack. The initial attack is classified as the beginning of the war. Sun Tzu’s attack formation can include a surprise attack on the enemy’s seemingly formidable front to learn the true shape, and strength of the enemy’s forces. With the most suitable war strategy, the battle is 50 percent won; the strategy succeeds only with professional execution of tactics Machiavelli. In terms of Machiave lli, Maurizio Viroli2 emphasized Machiavelli focused on national interest and military objects in the war implementing several war principles. ... military resistance against absolutism.† The formidable army of Machiavelli showed strong dominance of the political as well as European military environment The strong message of the Machiavelli’s Republican patriotism is a very clear sign to re-emphasize, against the politics of the moderns, in relation to the political efforts of its leaders, also known as the politics of the ancients. Machiavellian politics shows that the word Patria is another word to mean Machiavelli republic. Machiavelli’s government is grounded on a self-governing community of individuals snugly staying together within the justice terms of the law. The Machiavelli government implements rule law, which incorporates patriotism. Clauseritz. In terms of Clauseritz, Tiha Ghyczy3 insists the conduct of war includes the important planning stage. The author states that â€Å"were this combat a single act, there would be no need for further subdivision. But combat consists of a greater or lesser n umber of individual acts, each complete in itself, which we call engagements, which constitute new things. This gives rise to an entirely different activity, namely, individually planning and conducting these engagements and joining them together to achieve the objective of the war.† The quote clearly shows that that it includes the important tactics in the governance of the constituents. Likewise, the tactics includes the many advantages of implementing a well engineered war and government strategy. The segregation of the government’s act to divide the planning stage into both the tactics and strategy is now quite a common- lace in occurrence. All individuals are reasonably sure where to classify a specific factor without necessarily taking considerable notice of the reasons underlying such

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Decision Making Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decision Making Case Study - Essay Example This has led to the training of all officers with regards to the new policy. In addition, the department has also introduced another policy that prohibits officers from firing warning shots unless the situation warrants. The case explains a scenario in which, an officer Raymond Ripley on his usual daily patrols, spots a packed car, which he believes is not supposed to be packed in that area because it looked like a private car, and had its brake lights on and flashing its lights on and off. Officer Ripley tries to approach and stop the car, but when he fails, fires warning shots and decides to pursue the vehicle while calling for back up. It worth noting that, Officer Ripley was 6 months fresh from college and engages in foot and vehicle pursuit, uses his own German shepherd dog and a Taser stun devices; all of which, he has never been trained in, nor has he been authorized to use. Neither his supervisor nor the Sherriff is aware of his actions. The central issues in this case are, ( 1) Pineville County Sherriff Department and individuals involved in a car chase that resulted in the death of a juvenile has a pending case in court, (2) Pineville County Sherriff Department has been criticized by the public (3) Pineville County Sherriff Department has changed its policies regarding car pursuits and firing of warning shots, (4) the unknown use of shepherd dog and a Taser stun device without the departments training and knowledge of neither his supervisor nor the Sherriff, and (5) Involved of officer Ripley in unsanctioned or authorized car pursuits. Deputy officer Ripley is not in compliance with the use-of-force policy. This is because, according to the policy, supervisors are required to cancel any pursuits that do not involve any violent felony or situations that are worth the potential liability and danger (Peak, 2010). The situation in which Deputy Officer Ripley is faced with, does not seem to be a violent felony or crime, as such, it is not worth the potentia l liability or danger, thus, not worth a pursuit. The lieutenant should end Deputy Officer Ripley’s pursuit because in all senses, it is in violation with the new enacted pursuit police that requires supervisors to cancel any pursuits that do not involve any violent felony or situations that are worth the potential liability and danger. The situation Ripley is facing is neither a violent crime nor a felony, and definitely not worth the potential risks or dangers involved. In addition, Deputy Officer Ripley is just 6 months old in the job and is considered a rooky, as such; his inexperience can render the pursuit dangerous and risky. Under the circumstances described in the case, Deputy Ripley should have not fired the warning shots. This is because there were no reasons for firing the shots; the situation did not warrant. Firing the warning shots then meant that the Deputy was breaking the law. This is to say; the people in the car that he was firing warning shots at had not shown in sign of violence or intent to cause harm. Normally, Ripley’s actions in relation to the warning shot, Taser and the dog are covered by polices such as the one that prohibits firing warning shots unless necessary and the policy for use of force (excessive). The Internal Affairs at Pineville County Sherriff Department would find out that, Ripley was at fault with the policy regarding firing of warning

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Opinonated Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Opinonated Questions - Essay Example There is no communication that occurs between the 99 % on Wall Street and the 1 % that are heavily burdened by the economic times (Eagle, 2005). They are in the real sense creating losses and a cumbersome time for fellow citizens. These are the ones that are situated in strategic business centres trying to earn a living. Their businesses incur huge losses that require compensation. Each and every person has a different understanding in any situation. Dissent is normal in each and every situation. It is necessary to ensure that any situation that brings about dissent is analyzed clearly. Analysis involves thorough research to the dissenting views. They are discussed and the best ideas formulated (Tushnet, 2008). Dissent cannot be hashed. This is because it will bring about rebellion and the dictatorial tendencies that are a result of the quieting of dissents. The Supreme Court, just like any other entity should allow the dissenting voices to present their voices of reason (Wright, 2007). This should always be supported by logical observations, laws and expectations. Many great ideologies are a result of people who went against the grain of the status quo. This was by voicing their dissents and their reasons. Their success was based on the forum to voice and discuss their issue is a calm forum (Sunstein,

Decision Making Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Decision Making Case Study - Essay Example This has led to the training of all officers with regards to the new policy. In addition, the department has also introduced another policy that prohibits officers from firing warning shots unless the situation warrants. The case explains a scenario in which, an officer Raymond Ripley on his usual daily patrols, spots a packed car, which he believes is not supposed to be packed in that area because it looked like a private car, and had its brake lights on and flashing its lights on and off. Officer Ripley tries to approach and stop the car, but when he fails, fires warning shots and decides to pursue the vehicle while calling for back up. It worth noting that, Officer Ripley was 6 months fresh from college and engages in foot and vehicle pursuit, uses his own German shepherd dog and a Taser stun devices; all of which, he has never been trained in, nor has he been authorized to use. Neither his supervisor nor the Sherriff is aware of his actions. The central issues in this case are, ( 1) Pineville County Sherriff Department and individuals involved in a car chase that resulted in the death of a juvenile has a pending case in court, (2) Pineville County Sherriff Department has been criticized by the public (3) Pineville County Sherriff Department has changed its policies regarding car pursuits and firing of warning shots, (4) the unknown use of shepherd dog and a Taser stun device without the departments training and knowledge of neither his supervisor nor the Sherriff, and (5) Involved of officer Ripley in unsanctioned or authorized car pursuits. Deputy officer Ripley is not in compliance with the use-of-force policy. This is because, according to the policy, supervisors are required to cancel any pursuits that do not involve any violent felony or situations that are worth the potential liability and danger (Peak, 2010). The situation in which Deputy Officer Ripley is faced with, does not seem to be a violent felony or crime, as such, it is not worth the potentia l liability or danger, thus, not worth a pursuit. The lieutenant should end Deputy Officer Ripley’s pursuit because in all senses, it is in violation with the new enacted pursuit police that requires supervisors to cancel any pursuits that do not involve any violent felony or situations that are worth the potential liability and danger. The situation Ripley is facing is neither a violent crime nor a felony, and definitely not worth the potential risks or dangers involved. In addition, Deputy Officer Ripley is just 6 months old in the job and is considered a rooky, as such; his inexperience can render the pursuit dangerous and risky. Under the circumstances described in the case, Deputy Ripley should have not fired the warning shots. This is because there were no reasons for firing the shots; the situation did not warrant. Firing the warning shots then meant that the Deputy was breaking the law. This is to say; the people in the car that he was firing warning shots at had not shown in sign of violence or intent to cause harm. Normally, Ripley’s actions in relation to the warning shot, Taser and the dog are covered by polices such as the one that prohibits firing warning shots unless necessary and the policy for use of force (excessive). The Internal Affairs at Pineville County Sherriff Department would find out that, Ripley was at fault with the policy regarding firing of warning

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nursing questions Essay Example for Free

Nursing questions Essay The nurse is performing her admission assessment of a patient. When grading arterial pulses, a 1+ pulse indicates: Above normal perfusion. Absent perfusion. Normal perfusion. Diminished perfusion. Murmurs that indicate heart disease are often accompanied by other symptoms such as: Dyspnea on exertion. Subcutaneous emphysema. Thoracic petechiae. Periorbital edema. Which pregnancy-related physiologic change would place the patient with a history of cardiac disease at the greatest risk of developing severe cardiac problems? Decrease heart rate Decreased cardiac output Increased plasma volume Increased blood pressure The priority nursing diagnosis for the patient with cardiomyopathy is: Anxiety related to risk of declining health status. Ineffective individual coping related to fear of debilitating illness Fluid volume excess related to altered compensatory mechanisms. Decreased cardiac output related to reduced myocardial contractility. A patient with thrombophlebitis reached her expected outcomes of care. Her affected leg appears pink and warm. Her pedal pulse is palpable and there is no edema present. Which step in the nursing process is described above? Planning  Implementation Analysis Evaluation An elderly patient may have sustained a basilar skull fracture after slipping and falling on an icy sidewalk. The nurse knows that basilar skull factures: Are the least significant type of skull fracture. May have cause cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks from the nose or ears. Have no characteristic findings.  Are always surgically repaired.  Which of the following types of drugs might be given to control increased intracranial pressure (ICP)? Barbiturates Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Anticholinergics Histamine receptor blockers The nurse is teaching family members of a patient with a concussion about the early signs of increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Which of the following would she cite as an early sign of increased ICP? Decreased systolic blood pressure Headache and vomiting Inability to wake the patient with noxious stimuli Dilated pupils that don’t react to light Jessie James is diagnosed with retinal detachment. Which intervention is the most important for this patient? Admitting him to the hospital on strict bed rest Patching both of his eyes Referring him to an ophthalmologist Preparing him for surgery Dr. Bruce Owen, a chemist, sustained a chemical burn to one eye. Which intervention takes priority for a patient with a chemical burn of the eye? Patch the affected eye and call the ophthalmologist. Administer a cycloplegic agent to reduce ciliary spasm. Immediately instill a tropical anesthetic, then irrigate the eye with saline solution. Administer antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection The nurse is assessing a patient and notes a Brudzinski’s sign and Kernig’s sign. These are two classic signs of which of the following disorders? Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) Meningitis Seizure disorder Parkinson’s disease A patient is admitted to the hospital for a brain biopsy. The nurse knows that the most common type of primary brain tumor is: Meningioma. Angioma. Hemangioblastoma. Glioma. The nurse should instruct the patient with Parkinson’s disease to avoid which of the following? Walking in an indoor shopping mall Sitting on the deck on a cool summer evening Walking to the car on a cold winter day Sitting on the beach in the sun on a summer day Gary Jordan suffered a cerebrovascular accident that left her unable to comprehend speech and unable to speak. This type of aphasia is known as: Receptive aphasia Expressive aphasia Global aphasia Conduction aphasia Kelly Smith complains that her headaches are occurring more frequently despite medications. Patients with a history of headaches should be taught to avoid: Freshly prepared meats. Citrus fruits. Skim milk Chocolate Immediately following cerebral aneurysm rupture, the patient usually complains of: Photophobia Explosive headache Seizures Hemiparesis Which of the following is a cause of embolic brain injury? Persistent hypertension Subarachnoid hemorrhage Atrial fibrillation Skull fracture Although Ms. Priestly has a spinal cord injury, she can still have sexual intercourse. Discharge teaching should make her aware that: She must remove indwelling urinary catheter prior to intercourse. She can no longer achieve orgasm. Positioning may be awkward. She can still get pregnant. Ivy Hopkins, age 25, suffered a cervical fracture requiring immobilization with halo traction. When caring for the patient in halo traction, the nurse must: Keep a wrench taped to the halo vest for quick removal if cardiopulmonary resuscitation is necessary. Remove the brace once a day to allow the patient to rest. Encourage the patient to use a pillow under the ring. Remove the brace so that the patient can shower. The nurse asks a patient’s husband if he understands why his wife is receiving nimodipine (Nimotop), since she suffered a cerebral aneurysm rupture. Which response by the husband indicates that he understands the drug’s use? â€Å"Nimodipine replaces calcium.† â€Å"Nimodipine promotes growth of blood vessels in the brain.† â€Å"Nimodipine reduces the brain’s demand for oxygen.† â€Å"Nimodipine reduces vasospasm in the brain.† Many men who suffer spinal injuries continue to be sexually active. The teaching plan for a man with a spinal cord injury should include sexually concerns. Which of the following injuries would most likely prevent erection and ejaculation? C5 C7 T4 S4 Cathy Bates, age 36, is a homemaker who frequently forgets to take her carbamazepine (Tegretol). As a result, she has been experiencing seizures. How can the nurse best help the patient remember to take her medication? Tell her take her medication at bedtime. Instruct her to take her medication after one of her favorite television shows. Explain that she should take her medication with breakfast. Tell her to buy an alarm watch to remind her. Richard Barnes was diagnosed with pneumococcal meningitis. What response by the patient indicates that he understands the precautions necessary with this diagnosis? â€Å"I’m so depressed because I can’t have any visitors for a week.† â€Å"Thank goodness, I’ll only be in isolation for 24 hours.† â€Å"The nurse told me that my urine and stool are also sources of meningitis bacteria.† â€Å"The doctor is a good friend of mine and won’t keep me in isolation.† An early symptom associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) includes: Fatigue while talking Change in mental status Numbness of the hands and feet Spontaneous fractures When caring for a patient with esophageal varices, the nurse knows that bleeding in this disorder usually stems from: Esophageal perforation Pulmonary hypertension Portal hypertension Peptic ulcers Tiffany Black is diagnosed with type A hepatitis. What special precautions should the nurse take when caring for this patient? Put on a mask and gown before entering the patient’s room. Wear gloves and a gown when removing the patient’s bedpan. Prevent the droplet spread of the organism. Use caution when bringing food to the patient. Discharge instructions for a patient who has been operated on for colorectal cancer include irrigating the colostomy. The nurse knows her teaching is effective when the patient states he’ll contact the doctor if: He experiences abdominal cramping while the irrigant is infusing He has difficulty inserting the irrigation tube into the stoma He expels flatus while the return is running out.  He’s unable to complete the procedure in 1 hour.  The nurse explains to the patient who has an abdominal perineal resection that an indwelling urinary catheter must be kept in place for several days afterward because: It prevents urinary tract infection following surgery.  It prevents urine retention and resulting pressure on the perineal wound It minimizes the risk of wound contamination by the urine.  It determines whether the surgery caused bladder trauma .The first day after, surgery the nurse finds no measurable fecal drainage from a patient’s colostomy stoma. What is the most appropriate nursing intervention? Call the doctor immediately. Obtain an order to irrigate the stoma. Place the patient on bed rest and call the doctor. Continue the current plan of care. If a patient’s GI tract is functioning but he’s unable to take foods by mouth, the preferred method of feeding is: Total parenteral nutrition Peripheral parenteral nutrition Enteral nutrition Oral liquid supplements Which type of solution causes water to shift from the cells into the plasma? Hypertonic Hypotonic Isotonic Alkaline Particles move from an area of greater osmelarity to one of lesser osmolarity through: Active transport Osmosis Diffusion Filtration Which assessment finding indicates dehydration? Tenting of chest skin when pinched Rapid filling of hand veins A pulse that isn’t easily obliterated Neck vein distention Which nursing intervention would most likely lead to a hypo-osmolar state? Performing nasogastric tube irrigation with normal saline solution Weighing the patient daily Administering tap water enema until the return is clear Encouraging the patient with excessive perspiration to dink broth Which assessment finding would indicate an extracellular fluid volume deficit? Bradycardia A central venous pressure of 6 mm Hg Pitting edema An orthostatic blood pressure change A patient with metabolic acidosis has a preexisting problem with the kidneys. Which other organ helps regulate blood pH? Liver Pancreas Lungs heart The nurse considers the patient anuric if the patient; Voids during the nighttime hours Has a urine output of less than 100 ml in 24 hours Has a urine output of at least 100 ml in 2 hours Has pain and burning on urination Which nursing action is appropriate to prevent infection when obtaining a sterile urine specimen from an indwelling urinary catheter? Aspirate urine from the tubing port using a sterile syringe and needle Disconnect the catheter from the tubing and obtain urine Open the drainage bag and pour out some urine Wear sterile gloves when obtaining urine After undergoing a transurethral resection of the prostate to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy, a patient is retuned to the room with continuous bladder irrigation in place. One day later, the patient reports bladder pain. What should the nurse do first? Increase the I.V. flow rate Notify the doctor immediately Assess the irrigation catheter for patency and drainage Administer meperidine (Demerol) as prescribed A patient comes to the hospital complaining of sudden onset of sharp, severe pain originating in the lumbar region and radiating around the side and toward the bladder. The patient also reports nausea and vomiting and appears pale, diaphoretic, and anxious. The doctor tentatively diagnoses renal calculi and orders flat-plate abdominal X-rays. Renal calculi can form anywhere in the urinary tract. What is their most common formation site? Kidney Ureter Bladder Urethra A patient comes to the hospital complaining of severe pain in the right flank, nausea, and vomiting. The doctor tentatively diagnoses right ureter-olithiasis (renal calculi). When planning this patient’s care, the nurse should assign highest priority to which nursing diagnosis? Pain Risk of infection Altered urinary elimination Altered nutrition: less than body requirements The nurse is reviewing the report of a patient’s routine urinalysis. Which of the following values should the nurse consider abnormal? Specific gravity of 1.002 Urine pH of 3 Absence of protein Absence of glucose A patient with suspected renal insufficiency is scheduled for a comprehensive diagnostic work-up. After the nurse explains the diagnostic tests, the patient asks which part of the kidney â€Å"does the work.† Which answer is correct? The glomerulus Bowman’s capsule The nephron The tubular system During a shock state, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system exerts which of the following effects on renal function? Decreased urine output, increased reabsorption of sodium and water Decreased urine output, decreased reabsorption of sodium and water Increased urine output, increased reabsorption of sodium and water Increased urine output, decreased reabsorption of sodium and water While assessing a patient who complained of lower abdominal pressure, the nurse notes a firm mass extending above the symphysis pubis. The nurse suspects: A urinary tract infection Renal calculi An enlarged kidney A distended bladder Gregg Lohan, age 75, is admitted to the medical-surgical floor with weakness and left-sided chest pain. The symptoms have been present for several weeks after a viral illness. Which assessment finding is most symptomatic of pericarditis? Pericardial friction rub Bilateral crackles auscultated at the lung bases Pain unrelieved by a change in position Third heart sound (S3) James King is admitted to the hospital with right-side-heart failure. When assessing him for jugular vein distention, the nurse should position him: Lying on his side with the head of the bed flat. Sitting upright. Flat on his back. Lying on his back with the head of the bed elevated 30 to 45 degrees. The nurse is interviewing a slightly overweight 43-year-old man with mild emphysema and borderline hypertension. He admits to smoking a pack of cigarettes per day. When developing a teaching plan, which of the following should receive highest priority to help decrease respiratory complications? Weight reduction Decreasing salt intake Smoking cessation Decreasing caffeine intake What is the ratio of chest compressions to ventilations when one rescuer performs cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on an adult? 15:1 15:2 12:1 12:2 When assessing a patient for fluid and electrolyte balance, the nurse is aware that the organs most important in maintaining this balance are the: Pituitary gland and pancreas Liver and gallbladder. Brain stem and heart. Lungs and kidneys.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Factors Affecting Population Growth

Factors Affecting Population Growth Population growth can be defined as an increase or decrease in the population size of living species including human beings. Human populations are also subject to natural process of birth and death. There has been a rapid increase in the world s human population over the last few decades (UNFPA, 2011). Unless urgent steps are taken to control population, serious problems can arise like environment damage and limited availability of food resources. Continuous population growth can be problem and therefore it is important to understand how we can manage population growth for the benefit of all. Human beings have tried to make food resources available for all the population in many ways. Starting from the industrial revolution, advances in modern medicine, and green agriculture revolution have all made us self sufficient so far. However such technology development cannot go forever and therefore unless we manage population a day may come when all resources will be finished. At present there are two school of thought for the theories on population growth. The first is the pessimistic view developed by Reverend Robert Malthus, a British scholar who believed that the resources available will not be sufficient for human beings if human population is not controlled. The other theory is the optimistic view developed by Julian Simon who believed that humans can manage the issue of population because of their knowledge and skills. Therefore this paper will discuss these two theories for population growth and their effect on the resources and environment of the earth. II. Factors affecting population growth The population growth is determined mainly by birth rate, death rate, and migration patterns (immigration and emigration). For instance the population in the developed countries like Europe and America is growing at rate of only 0.1% per year while in developing countries the growth rate is over 1.5% per year. (Wright and Boorse,2011) (UNDP). In developing countries where manual labour is still considered main source of labour, children form part of the labour force and therefore families tend to have more children. Similarly when the pension system is not good, people tend to raise more children to look after during old age. Wherever women are more educated and take lead role in household income activities, there tend to be less number of children raised. In areas where traditions, culture and customs are respected population tend to be higher due to less use of contraceptives. III. Impacts of population growth Although it may be difficult to measure the carrying capacity for humans on earth (Cohen, 1995) scientists have estimated the carrying capacity at around 7.7 billion people (Van Den Bergh and Rietveld, 2004). It is now estimated that the world population will be around 9.1 billion by the year 2050. The very high population growth has raised concerns that the planet may not be able to sustain such population in the long run. Increasing population will mean increased demand for food, water, and other resources such as fossil fuel. The impact of population growth can be seen by everyone who care for the world that we live in. Over the last few decades there has been large scale destruction of the tropical forests mainly to make land available for agriculture and for urbanization. In order to produce enough food to meet the demand of growing population, forests have been cleared to undertake farming. Due to increased industrialization and urbanization, there has been great increase in th e pollution of air, water and the environment of the planet. Growing population will result in the depletion of natural resources such as water, fossil fuels (Hubert, 1982); deforestation and loss of ecosystems; and emergence of new diseases. It will also lead to more starvation, hunger and unhygienic living conditions in poor countries. IV. Factors affecting environment Environment means our surroundings in which all the things, living or non living, which includes atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), lithosphere (solid earth), biosphere (all living organisms), and geosphere (rocks and regoliths). Numerous factors affect our environment which includes anthropogenic activities such as urbanization, industrialization, deforestation, overpopulation, and use of fossil fuels. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, cyclones, landslide and floods can also negatively affect the environment. V. Relationship between environment and population growth Humans are an integral part of the eco-system of nature and there is close interconnection between human beings and environment. Ever since life existed humans have been depending on their environment for food, shelter, and other necessities. There is an inverse relationship existing between population growth and environment as overpopulation will lead to adverse effect on the environment. As human population increase, there is also increase in the demand for food and other energy sources. It is essential that the population is maintained at a level so that the natural resources are sufficient to meet the requirement for survival of all living beings. VI. Neo-Malthusian or pessimistic views on population growth Malthusian theories or pessimistic theories on population growth was derived from the ideas of Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus, a British scholar who wrote series of essays on the principles of population. There were six editions of his An Essay on the Principle of Population (published from 1798 to 1826) in which he said that if the human population growth is left unchecked the food supply will not be sufficient to meet the needs of humans. He proposed the idea that while human population grew exponentially, the food resources grew only arithmetically. He also believed that population will be controlled naturally by disease, famine and mortality. This was called as the pessimistic model of population growth. Malthus believed in using preventive checks such as abstinence, delayed marriage and restricting marriages in order to control population growth. Some people criticized Malthus s theory based on the fact that there has been an enhanced agricultural production and reduced human fe rtility over the past few decades since the publication of his theories. However, many still believe in his theory that if left unchecked, population growth can pose serious problems for resource availability (Cristina, 2010). Neo-Malthusianism These are groups who also believe in the theories of Malthus and encourage population control programs for the present and future benefit of human beings. The Neo-Malthusians view however differ from Malthus in their belief on the use of contraceptive techniques for the birth control measures. The neo-Malthusians or the pessimistic view had more concerns about the effect that population growth would have on environmental degradation. While they supported the theories put forward by Malthus, this group of people strongly supported the idea of actively controlling population growth in order to prevent adverse impact on the environment. This pessimistic group are concerned about the effect overpopulation may have on resource depletion and environmental degradation. There has been a general revival in neo-Malthusian ideologies from the 1950s onwards especially after the publication of series of books by some Malthusian supporters such as Fairfield Osborn (Our Plundered Planet), William V ogt (Road to Survival) and Paul Ehrlich (The Population Bomb). Although many critics of neo-Malthusianism criticize the revival of this theory based on fact that the green revolution has led to sufficient food production, Pessimists such as Paul Ehrlich believe that unchecked population will ultimately lead to serious problems in the future (Ehrlich, 2009). Neo-Malthusian or the pessimistic view is more about the positive checks but Malthusian said that there is balance between both positive and negative checks. Technological or Optimistic views on population growth. The optimistic model of population growth was proposed by Julian Simon who in his book The Ultimate Resource (1981) argued that as resources become scarce the price goes up which in turn creates incentives for people to discover new source or find alternatives for the resource. Simon also claims in his book that the natural resources are infinite based on the justification that innovative methods can be used to make natural resources available. Increasing population growth and reduced resources make people to create innovations and inventions to produce more food and all basic needs. The optimistic view said that science and technology can overcome scarcity problems. Esther Boserup (1910-1999)-Danish economist said necessity is the mother of invention . So, humanity will always find a way to overcome their problems. The optimistic view also said that more people means more alternatives to find new materials and discover ways to do things. Discussion It can be seen from the above paragraphs that population growth can impact on the state of environment of our planet. Of the two theories on population growth, I support the neo-malthusian theory of pessimistic views based on the following justifications. Deforestation for agriculture If the human population growth is left unchecked, a day might come when the earth s resources will not be able to sustain the requirements of human beings. As overpopulation will demand increasing food, energy, and other resources, humans will engage in activities that will directly affect our environment and ecosystem. For instance, about 160,000 square kilometers per of tropical rainforests are cleared for agricultural use thus resulting in loss of habitat for the biodiversity (Laurance, 1999). Such loss of forests will contribute to global warming and other negative effects on environment. Urbanization/industrialization In order to meet the growing demand of increasing population, humans have been using technologies such as industrialization for enhanced production of food and other needs. Increased industrialization and urbanization results in air pollution, noise pollution, and water pollution which are all detrimental to our environment. Increased urbanization will also mean clearance of forests for construction of roads, buildings etc. which further adds to pollution. Depletion of non-renewable natural resources and emission of green house gases Uncontrolled growth of population will lead to rapid depletion of non-renewable natural resources such as fossil fuels which are used as source of energy. The burning of fossil fuel i.e. carbon based fuels, mainly wood, coal, oil and natural gas produces significant amount of CO2 which is one of the main green house gases that contributes to global warming (International Energy Outlook, 2000). The green house effect maintains the earth at comfortable temperature range but if there is excessive release of CO2 and other harmful gases from the industries and factories, the green house gases gets easily out of control and will lead to so many problems like continental drift, climate change, natural disasters and variations of sun s out put. Loss of biodiversity and habitat Due to growing population, especially in the rural areas of developing countries, people practising shifting cultivation undertake slash-and-burn techniques which results in the extinction of native flora and fauna. It has been reported that nearly 140,000 species are lost every year due to deforestation activities (Pimm, Russell, Gittleman and Brooks, 1995). Therefore, if population growth is not controlled, increasing human activities will further result in destruction of the habitat and loss of biodiversity. In Bhutan, human-wildlife especially human-elephant conflict is increasing and this is mainly due to the loss of habitat for the elephants due to increasing human population and activities (Kuensel, 19 May 2012). IX. Solutions There is a need to find solutions to decrease the problems associated with overpopulation and environmental degradation. The governments around the world should have policies to decrease the population growth rate by increasing use of birth control measures. The governments should also frame good policies to protect forests and environment and prevent loss of natural habitat. Innovative ideas and research should be done to increase food production without disturbing the environment. The governments should increase funding for education and awareness of especially the poor people for them to protect and take care of their environment. X. Conclusions In conclusion overpopulation can lead to problems in the form of depleting natural resources, environmental pollution and degradation, and loss of habitat. Therefore, urgent steps need to be taken to manage human population growth to a level that can be managed well. The theories founded by Reverend Malthus can be still followed because the natural resources available now may not be sufficient in the future if we do not control human population growth. XI. References Cristina Luiggi. (2010). Still Ticking. The Scientist 24 (12): 26. Hubbert, M.K. Techniques of Prediction as Applied to Production of Oil and Gas, US Department of Commerce, NBS Special Publication 631, May 1982. International Energy Outlook 2000, Energy Information Administration, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. (2000) Joel Cohen, How Many People Can the Earth Support? (New York: Norton, 1995) J. Van Den Bergh and P. Rietveld, Reconsidering the Limits to World Population: Meta-analysis and Meta-predictions, Bioscience 54, no 3 (2004): 195. Kuensel, 19 May 2012, Page 22. Laurance, W. F. 1999. Reflections on the tropical deforestation crisis. Biological Conservation 91: 109-117. Paul R. Ehrlich; Anne H. Ehrlich (2009). The Population Bomb Revisited. Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development 1(3): 63 71. Retrieved 2010-02-01. S.L. Pimm, G.J. Russell, J.L. Gittleman and T.M. Brooks, The Future of Biodiversity, Science 269: 347 350 (1995). Sahney, S. , Benton, M.J. Falcon-Lang, H.J. (2010). Rainforest collapse triggered Pennsylvanian tetrapod diversification in Euramerica (PDF). Geology 38 (12): 1079 1082. doi:10.1130/G31182.1. Tilman D., Fargione J., Wolff B., DAntonio C., Dobson A., Howarth R., Schindler D., Schlesinger W. H., Simberloff D. et al. (2001). Forecasting agriculturally driven global environmental change. Science 292: 281 284. doi:10.1126/science.1057544. PMID 11303102. United nations Population Fund, 2011 ( ) Wright and Boorse. (2011). Environmental Science.